Potential benefits of ashwagandha include better athletic performance and sleep. Some research suggests this herb may help people with conditions like anxiety and infertility, but stronger studies are needed.

Ashwagandha is one of the most important herbs in Ayurveda, which is a traditional form of alternative medicine based on Indian principles of natural healing.

People have used ashwagandha for thousands of years to relieve stress, increase energy levels, and improve concentration (1).

“Ashwagandha” is Sanskrit for “smell of the horse,” which refers to both the herb’s scent and its potential ability to increase strength (2).

Its botanical name is Withania somnifera, and it’s also known by several other names, including “Indian ginseng” and “winter cherry.”

The ashwagandha plant is a small shrub with yellow flowers that’s native to India and Southeast Asia. Extracts or powder from the plant’s root or leaves are used to treat a variety of conditions, including anxiety and fertility issues (3).

Here are 9 potential benefits of ashwagandha, based on research.