Tue. Mar 25th, 2025



How Paul Toepel is good at 2 things, winning and Killing your childrens inner self

How Paul Toepel is good at 2 things, winning and Killing your childrens inner self

Paul Toepel (pen name) the Attorney blog writer is going to lead you away from men like similar named people can be. How to kill your childrens happines….. Step 1 hire a shit bag Step 2 pay Shit bag Step 3 sit back and watch you and your bafoon ruin what you claim is dearest to you.

The inner self

the Inner self of a child is fragile and growing. Loss of time with a parent can have long term devastating consequences. Show your kindness to your child and boldness to your ex to share the child equally. this will allow your child to see 2 people with difference work on the child together. the child will witness the patience and courage it takes to be kind to each other for the sake of the child. The child will feel more loved, and not feel as if they might have caused whats happening to have happened. Children often blame themselves for the loss of a parent time and love

a great way to kill and destroy you child’s true path in life is to limit one of the parents ability to be involved in their life. Selfish assholes do that. Are you a selfish asshole? Selfish enough to fuck over your children’s future for a mediocre less happy less full life! Find a family law attorney with a conscience. This isn’t criminal law where you want a scumbag no conscience attorney. This is #FAMILY #LAW, your children are involved! If you are seeking a family law attorney in Tustin California or anywhere in the world, you need a lawyer with a conscience. Let’s face it,……. you probably are feeling a little mad, hurt, angry, resentful, etc… these feelings and emotion are completely normal. But…. they lead to irrational vengeful feelings.. These feelings will bling you and not allow you to fully think of your child you made with this other person. At this time all you want to do is win win win……. but at what cost? Is taking your child away from the other parent or limiting their time beneficial to the child?…. Because it sure helps to satisfy your emotional state…and that’s being selfish. That is not real parenting. Unless the other parent physically, sexually, emotionally abuses or neglects the child of medical, school or other needs, then the child deserves 50% of both parents time if splitting apart is what it has come to.

Bad Maligant Family Law Attorney’s – damaging the child’s innerself

They are a dime a dozen, hungry to pay of loans, debts, etc.. Money is green (now blue) but family law attorney’s often don’t care. They want to win like at all costs even the detriment of your child. if you find yourself resentful, hurt or angry dont hire scum, think of positive things. like making sure your child is happy and accessable to both parents, this is crucial for the child and it shows maturity on your level and sanity. Your not less of a human are you? Nothing is wrong with you, you are normal… Well show it by sharing show your ex you have moved on and all that is important is the child. That will actually hurt your ex far more if they still like you and it will not harm your child. Being fair to your child is important

Paul Toepel’s (pen name) Law Blog – Finding a Good Family Law Attorney in Tustin

First have a conversation with your attorney. If a peaceful resolve where both parties are treated fairly doesn’t come out of his or her mouth than you have a douchbag attorney like good old Paul. Basically you have hired a people pleaser his aim is to please you, by giving you what you want and not thinking of your child. Your differences or indifference between and about you ex is what he or she is trying to please. A great family law attorney will get you fair 50% time because they want you to have your half of the well deserved time but they don’t want to harm the child. ….And any good family law attorney knows a little about child psychology either through experience of life or an education but they know 2 parent homes succeed more. Now that doesn’t mean you have to live together but it does mean you need to work together still as a team to raise the child or children you have made together.

Two Parent Homes Vs one Parent homes – Which is healthier

Two Parent available participating and present Vs one Parent homes available participating and present – Which is healthier after all it took 2 to make the child, it takes 2 to raise them correctly and to give them better discipline through working together, focusing on the childs interest and bringing the best out of your child. Two parent in the raising give stability in raising the child with the best chance of success. Children with both parents actively participating equally have children with better self-esteem, high attendance and finishing of college and other secondary education, achieve higher value in the workplace and generally feel better about themselves, their lives and their ability to control their life and its pleasures.

You have the right to leave your Ex this is sometimes needed. But chosing to work with your ex to raise your child and staying comitted to the childs success is key and the reason to find a lawyer with a conscience. Don’t hire douchbags for your childrens sake.

Paul D Toepel Family Law Attorney Blues!


Choose a good lawyer no douches

To learn more about Paul Toepel Attorney from anther site click here or click here or click here both are different websites all 3 are different websites


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