Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

Immediate Expense Deduction  – Section 179: Definition, How It Works, and Example

What Is Section 179?

Section 179 of the U.S. internal revenue code is an immediate expense deduction that business owners can take for purchases of depreciable business equipment instead of capitalizing and depreciating the asset over a period of time. The Section 179 deduction can be taken if the piece of equipment is purchased or financed and the full amount of the purchase price is eligible for the deduction.

Key Takeaways

  • Section 179 of the IRC allows businesses to take an immediate deduction for business expenses related to depreciable assets such as equipment, vehicles, and software.
  • This allows businesses to lower their current-year tax liability rather than capitalizing an asset and depreciating it over time in future tax years.
  • Section 179 is limited to a maximum deduction of $1,080,000 and a value of property purchased to $2,700,000 for the year 2022.1

Section 179 Explained

Taking the cost of the equipment as an immediate expense deduction allows the business to get an immediate break on their tax burden whereas capitalizing then depreciating the asset allows for smaller deductions to be taken over a longer period of time. The Section 179 expensing method is offered as an incentive for small business owners to grow their businesses with the purchase of new equipment.

Section 179 expense deduction is limited to such items as cars, office equipment, business machinery, and computers. This speedy deduction can provide substantial tax relief for business owners who are purchasing startup equipment. The equipment must qualify for the deduction per the specifications within Section 179 of the tax code and the purchase price must be within the dollar amount ranges allowable by the code. The property must be placed in service during the tax year for which the deduction is being claimed. Equipment covered by the Section 179 deduction might also qualify for bonus depreciation, which further reduces the business owner’s tax bill.2

Section 179 Details

The maximum amount you can elect to deduct for most section 179 property you placed in service in tax years beginning in 2022 is $1,080,000, according to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), which also limits to the total amount of the equipment purchased to a maximum of $2,700,000 in order to qualify.1

Equipment, vehicles, and/or software purchased under Section 179 must be used for business purposes more than 50% of the time to qualify for the deduction. Simply multiply the cost of the equipment, vehicle(s), and/or software by the percentage of business-use to arrive at the monetary amount eligible for Section 179.2



Imagine that a company has purchased a new piece of machinery used 100% for business purposes at a cost of $50,000 and zero salvage value. The company could take that asset and depreciate over the course of 5 years as $10,000 each year. Section 179 would instead allow the company to write off the entire $50,000 in the current year. source

Keep More of Your Money with the Section 179 Deduction

The Section 179 deduction is an effective tool to maximize your company’s financial flexibility. A part of the IRS tax code, Section 179 allows businesses to deduct the full purchase price of qualifying equipment bought or financed during the tax year. This significant tax incentive is designed to encourage businesses to invest in themselves by purchasing the equipment they need to grow, while also reducing their tax liability. Section 179 can be extremely profitable for your business, allowing you to invest in equipment, vehicles, and software while also keeping more of your hard-earned money. For a more in-depth understanding, explore  our Section 179 Explained page.

News Alert: The 2024 Section 179 Deduction Limit for Businesses is $1,220,000

Jan 2, 2024 –The Section 179 deduction for 2024 is $1,220,000, which is an increase of $60,000 from 2023’s limit. This means U.S. companies can deduct the full purchase price of ALL qualified equipment purchases, up to the limit of $1,220,000. In addition, the “total equipment purchase” limit has been raised to $3,050,000 (up from $2.89 million in 2023).

The deduction can include both new and used equipment acquired and put into service between 1/1/2024 and 12/31/2024. In addition to these limits, businesses can also take advantage of a 60% bonus depreciation on both new and used equipment for the entirety of 2024.




Understand, Calculate, and Take Advantage of Your Tax Savings Today

Benefits of Section 179 Deduction

The Section 179 Deduction can provide your business with a host of advantages. The key benefits include:

  • Immediate expense deduction, providing significant tax savings for your business.

  • Encouragement of growth and scalability through the acquisition of new equipment.

  • Increased financial flexibility by improving your business’ bottom line.

Successful businesses utilize legal tax incentives like Section 179 to lower their operating costs. It’s an easy-to-use incentive that encourages businesses to invest in themselves through the acquisition of capital equipment — equipment that enhances operations and boosts revenue.Consider the story of numerous businesses that have successfully upgraded equipment, vehicles, and software by leveraging the power of the Section 179 deduction. This powerful financial tool empowers businesses to increase their efficiency and output capacity, while maintaining a strong financial position. The accessibility and financial manageability provided by Section 179 accelerate business growth and fosters success.

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Deduction Calculator

Determining your potential savings from Section 179 can seem complex, but our deduction calculator makes it simple. Input your specific numbers, and we’ll provide you with an estimate of your tax savings and net cost after tax. Many businesses find that if they finance or lease their Section 179 qualified equipment, the tax savings can exceed the total of the first year’s payments on the equipment. This demonstrates the significant incentive Section 179 offers to small and medium businesses. Calculate Your Potential Savings here

***Note: In 2024, many businesses are finding Section 179 Qualified Financing to be a very attractive option, especially in today’s economic climate. You can lock in your tax savings by applying today.

2023 Section 179 Tax Information (Last Year)

The Section 179 deduction was $1,160,000 for 2023, with 80% bonus depreciation in place as well. 2023 (Last Year) Section 179 Calculator 

Qualifying Equipment

Many types of equipment are eligible for the Section 179 deduction. This includes both new and used business equipment, software, business-use vehicles, and more. For a more comprehensive list and details, visit our Qualifying Equipment page.

Introduction to Section 179 Qualified Financing

“Unlock Your Business Growth with Section 179 Qualified Financing”

Taking advantage of the Section 179 tax deduction doesn’t have to mean a large upfront cost. With Section 179 Qualified Financing, you can:

  • Acquire the necessary equipment or software now, with manageable monthly payments.

  • Utilize your Section 179 deduction, reducing your taxable income while preserving cash flow for other vital aspects of your business operations.

  • Align your investment with your business’s growth and revenues.

  • Stay competitive with the latest technology and equipment.

In 2024, many businesses are finding Section 179 Qualified Financing to be an extremely attractive option, particularly in light of expected Federal Discount Rate increases. With Section 179 Qualified Financing, you can secure today’s rates and avoid future increases.

Section 179 Qualified Financing is not just about making equipment affordable; it’s a strategic tool for your business’s growth and success. Ready to explore how Section 179 Qualified Financing can empower your business? Dive into our Guide to Section 179 Qualified Financing for detailed information, or connect directly with our trusted Financing Partners to find the best solutions tailored for your business.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the Section 179 Deduction? The Section 179 Deduction is a U.S. tax law designed to encourage businesses to buy equipment and invest in themselves. It allows businesses to deduct the full purchase price of qualifying equipment purchased or financed during the tax year from their gross income, reducing overall tax liability.

What qualifies for Section 179? The Section 179 Deduction encompasses a broad spectrum of business equipment including machinery, office furniture, computers, software, and select business-use vehicles. Importantly, both new and pre-owned equipment can be eligible, provided it’s ‘first use’ occurs within the business during the tax year the deduction is being claimed. To qualify, the equipment must be purchased and operational within the same tax year.

Can I claim the Section 179 deduction for used equipment? Absolutely. Section 179 deduction is applicable to both new and pre-owned equipment. The stipulation for qualifying is that the equipment should be procured and set in use during the same tax year the deduction is filed for.

Can software qualify for the Section 179 Deduction? Yes, it can. Off-the-shelf and custom-built software can qualify under Section 179 deduction, given that it’s available for general public purchase, not significantly modified, and utilized for income-generating business activities.

What types of businesses can use the Section 179 Deduction? Any business that purchases, finances, and/or leases new or used business equipment during tax year 2024 should qualify for the Section 179 Deduction.

Are there any limits to the Section 179 Deduction? Indeed, there are caps to the Section 179 Deduction. For the tax year 2024, the total write-off limit stands at $1,220,000, and the cap on the total equipment purchased is $3,050,000. The deduction begins to decrease on a dollar-for-dollar basis once the aggregate equipment procurement surpasses this threshold.

How is the Section 179 Deduction Calculated?  The Section 179 Deduction is calculated by subtracting the full purchase price of qualifying equipment from your gross income. However, there are limits on the total amount you can write off ($1,220,000 for 2024), and on the total amount of equipment purchased ($3,050,000 for 2024).

What’s the difference between Section 179 and Bonus Depreciation? While both Section 179 and Bonus Depreciation offer substantial tax benefits for businesses investing in new equipment, they do differ. Section 179 allows businesses to deduct the full cost of equipment up to a certain limit, whereas Bonus Depreciation allows for depreciation of 60% of the cost of the asset for the year 2024, with no spending cap.

Bonus Depreciation vs Section 179: Is it better to take Bonus Depreciation or Section 179? Both Section 179 and bonus depreciation offer significant tax benefits, but their applicability differs based on individual business circumstances. While Section 179 allows full cost deduction up to a certain limit, bonus depreciation facilitates 60% depreciation of the cost of qualifying property for the year 2024. Section 179 needs to be applied first, and any remaining cost can then be depreciated using bonus depreciation. Importantly, Section 179 has a spending limit on equipment, which bonus depreciation does not. It’s advisable to consult with a tax advisor or CPA to determine the best option for your business.

Can I lease or finance equipment and still take a Section 179 Deduction? Yes, equipment acquired through capital leasing or a non-tax capital lease can qualify for the Section 179 deduction. This makes it an attractive option for businesses that want to procure equipment without significant upfront costs.

What is Section 179 Qualified Financing? Section 179 Qualified Financing refers to the financing option available for businesses that enable them to finance new or used business equipment while taking full advantage of the Section 179 Deduction. This can often lead to a scenario where the tax savings from the deduction will exceed the payments, making it a profitable decision for the tax year. However, it’s always best to consult with a tax professional or financial advisor to understand how Section 179 Qualified Financing can work best for your specific business situation.

Can I use Section 179 for vehicles used in my business? Yes, many business vehicles that are used for over 50% business purposes will qualify for the Section 179 Deduction. However, there are specific restrictions and limits depending on the type of vehicle.

Does the equipment have to be new to qualify for Section 179? No, both new and used equipment can qualify for the Section 179 Deduction, as long as the equipment is “new to you”, meaning it’s the first time the equipment has been used in your business.

Is there a deadline for the Section 179 Deduction? Yes, the Section 179 Deduction must be claimed for the tax year that the equipment is acquired and placed in service. That means if you want to deduct the cost of equipment from your 2024 taxes using Section 179, the equipment must be acquired and put into use by December 31, 2024.

When can I apply for the Section 179 Deduction? The Section 179 Deduction can be claimed for the tax year that the qualifying equipment is purchased and put into use. This means, for instance, if you purchased and started using a piece of equipment anytime in 2024, you can claim the Section 179 Deduction when filing your taxes for 2024.

Can I amend my tax return to claim a Section 179 Deduction I missed? Yes, you can amend a return to claim Section 179 for a previous year, but there are specific rules about how and when you can do this. You should consult with a tax professional to help guide you through this process.

How does the Section 179 deduction affect my taxes? The Section 179 deduction allows you to deduct the full purchase price of qualifying equipment from your gross income. This reduces your taxable income and thus, your tax liability for the year.

For more detailed information and a broader range of questions, check out our comprehensive FAQs page.

Petition to Congress

The Section 179 deduction has been a powerful catalyst for encouraging businesses to invest in themselves and grow. However, tax laws are subject to change, and the continuation of this deduction in its present form is not guaranteed.

That’s why we have a petition to Congress urging them to keep the Section 179 deduction business-friendly. By showing your support, you’re making a statement about the importance of this deduction to small and large businesses alike, and to our economy as a whole.

Support Section 179 – Sign the Petition

Section179.Org is your definitive resource for all things Section 179. Our goal is to provide you with clear information about the Section 179 tax deduction in plain language, enabling you to make the best possible financial decisions for your company.

Disclaimer: The information provided on Section179.Org is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional tax advice. Always consult with your tax advisor or financial expert for personalized guidance and to ensure compliance with applicable tax laws.. source



Does my business qualify for Section 179?

The short answer – yes.

Applicable for both new and used equipment, Section 179 allows companies to write off the full purchase amount for qualified equipment in the year it is purchased.

All businesses (small, medium or large) that purchase within 2020 are eligible. The spending cap for the “total amount written off” is $1,040,000, while the “total amount of equipment purchased is” is $2,590,000 – once $2,590,000 is hit, the deduction begins to “phase out on a dollar-for-dollar basis.” This is a huge benefit to small and medium-sized businesses since they usually don’t hit that high of an expense.

Eligible equipment can range from production machines, office furniture, vehicles and even software.

Interested in taking the Section 179 Deduction?

In order to qualify, equipment purchase/lease must be between January 1, 2020, and December 31, 2020. To take the Section 179 deduction, the IRS has provided Form 4562.

For more details and information about Section 179, please visit section179.org.

Take Action Today!

Before 2020 comes to an end, take advantage of this opportunity to invest in your business. source



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