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LAPD News Media Identification Card Guidelines

Press Pass Policy

It is important to note a LAPD News Media Identification Card (also referred to as ‘media card’ or ‘press pass’) is not required to obtain or have access to information distributed to the media by the Department.  Not having a LAPD press pass would not prevent persons identifying as media from attending Department sponsored news conferences or events to which the media is invited.

Who is eligible?

In compliance with LAMC Section 52.16(A), eligibility is determined as:

“The Board is hereby authorized, and may delegate the authority to the Department, to issue news media identification cards (hereinafter “cards”) only to those whom the Board or the Department determines to be actual news-gathering representatives of newspapers or publications, news services, radio or television stations maintaining a regular news service or to self-employed reporters and photographers who regularly cover news events at which police and/or fire lines within the City of Los Angeles are established. The exclusive purpose of such cards shall be to enable the bearer thereof to pass through established police and fire lines in order to cover news events occurring behind such lines.”

Persons who regularly report from Council or committee meetings, on sporting events or activities, on entertainment news, or write or produce investigative news stories do not require a LAPD press pass.  These types of stories do not occur passed established police or fire lines, and do not fall under the criteria defined in LAMC Section 52.16(A).

Employees of Department-Identified News Organizations:

1. Complete the News Media Identification Card Application.  The application must be complete and signed in order to be considered.  Failure to do so could result in delays or denial of an application.

2. Provide a letter on original business letterhead, signed by news director, editor, or person in charge, stating the applicant is an employee of the news organization who regularly cover news events at which police and/or fire lines within the city of Los Angeles are established.
3. Scan the application and letter, and e-mail to wwwpress@lapd.online and 33462@lapd.online.

4. The application and letter will be reviewed by the Department Press Pass Coordinator, and the applicant will be contacted regarding the next part of the application process.

Self-Employed, Freelancers, Employees of Non-Department Identified News Organizations:

1. Complete the News Media Identification Card Application.  The application must be complete and signed in order to be considered.  Failure to do so could result in delays or denial of an application.

2. Provide three (3) letters on original business letterhead, signed by news director, editor, or person in charge, stating the applicant has completed assignments requiring the need to cover news events at which police and/or fire lines within the city of Los Angeles are established. OR, provide three (3) examples of work credited to the applicant from the last six (6) months. The samples must show the applicant performed work that required access passed established police or fire lines. Such examples can include articles, photographs, videos, or other forms of media.  The examples can be provided in print, PDF format, or through links to sites where the example can be viewed.

3. Scan the application, letter, and samples, and e-mail to wwwpress@lapd.online and 33462@lapd.online.

4. The application, letter and samples will be reviewed by the Department Press Pass Coordinator, and the applicant will be contacted regarding the next part of the application process.

For additional information, contact the Department Press Pass Coordinator at (213) 486-5910.

Revision Date: July 11, 2022 jp cited https://www.lapdonline.org/public-communications-group/media-relations-division/press-pass-policy/

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after you get your LAPD Press Pass you can check out some other fantastic resources below…..

NWU Press Passes for Freelance Journalists and Photographers 

NPPA Member Photo ID cards for Freelance Journalists and Photographers 

 IAPP Member Photo ID cards for Freelance Journalists and Photographers 

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