Thu. Jun 27th, 2024

Category: Discovery

Penal Code 664 PC – “Attempted Crimes” in California

Penal Code 664 PC – “Attempted Crimes” in California Penal Code § 664 PC is the California statute that defines criminal attempt. An attempted crime is when a person tries…

Penal Code 142 PC – Peace Officer Refusing to Arrest or Receive Person Charged with Criminal Offense

Penal Code 142 PC – Peace Officer Refusing to Arrest or Receive Person Charged with Criminal Offense PART 1 – OF CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS TITLE 7 – OF CRIMES AGAINST…

What Is Considered Obstruction of Justice in California?

What Is Considered Obstruction of Justice in California? Under federal law, any act that “corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or…

Penal Code 141 PC – Planting or Tampering with Evidence in California

New Law 2017: Prosecutors Who Plant False Evidence Or Hide Evidence Will Face Felony Charges: AB1909, California Penal Code Section 141 (C) Until now, it may be surprising to know…

Penal Code 182 PC – “Criminal Conspiracy” Laws & Penalties

Penal Code 182 PC – “Criminal Conspiracy” Laws & Penalties Under California Penal Code § 182 PC, you engage in a criminal conspiracy when you: agree with one or more…

Penal Code 135 PC – Destroying or Concealing Evidence

Penal Code 135 PC – Destroying or Concealing Evidence Penal Code 135 PC: It is illegal to knowingly and willingly destroy, erase, or conceal any physical evidence that is in…

What’s the Difference between Abuse of Process, Malicious Prosecution and False Arrest?

What’s the Difference between Abuse of Process and Malicious Prosecution? Which of the following cases fits into the tort of abuse of process? and… Which of the following cases fits…

California Cops Can No Longer Pass the Cost of Digital Redaction onto Public Records Requesters

California Cops Can No Longer Pass the Cost of Digital Redaction onto Public Records Requesters At a dark time when the possibility of police accountability seems especially bleak, there is…

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