Judge Thomas McConville
Judge Thomas McConville – Vindictive Beta Male Malicious Use (LEARN HOW) of the Vexatious (LEARN WHAT) litigant law by Judge Thomas McConville, This is acutually a DARK WELL KNOWN TACTIC…
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Judge Thomas McConville – Vindictive Beta Male Malicious Use (LEARN HOW) of the Vexatious (LEARN WHAT) litigant law by Judge Thomas McConville, This is acutually a DARK WELL KNOWN TACTIC…
Can You Be Charged For Knowing About A Crime And Not Saying Anything? If you witness a crime, are you obligated to report it to the police? What if you…
New Law 2017: Prosecutors Who Plant False Evidence Or Hide Evidence Will Face Felony Charges: AB1909, California Penal Code Section 141 (C) Until now, it may be surprising to know…
Penal Code 135 PC – Destroying or Concealing Evidence Penal Code 135 PC: It is illegal to knowingly and willingly destroy, erase, or conceal any physical evidence that is in…
Los Angeles police accidentally release photos of undercover officers to watchdog website Names, photos of Los Angeles undercover police posted online Members of the 5-10 Los Angeles Police Department recruit…
Seal & Destroy a Criminal Record Information on sealing and destroying an arrest record can be found at California penal code section 851.87 through 851.92. For purposes of PC 851…
Civil actions for false claims – 31 U.S. Code § 3730 (a)Responsibilities of the Attorney General.— The Attorney General diligently shall investigate a violation under section 3729. If the Attorney…
Pro Se Forms and Forms Information Any person appearing pro se may not utilize electronic filing except with the permission of the assigned judge. Pro se litigants, whether or not…