What is a Fiduciary Duty; Breach of Fiduciary Duty
What is a Fiduciary Duty – Breach of Fiduciary Duty Breach of Fiduciary Duty California Protecting The Interests Of Legal Malpractice Victims “In your best interest” is a crucial term…
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What is a Fiduciary Duty – Breach of Fiduciary Duty Breach of Fiduciary Duty California Protecting The Interests Of Legal Malpractice Victims “In your best interest” is a crucial term…
The Primary Caregiver Pretrial Diversion Act – SB 394 In recognizing the impact of parental incarceration on children in the United States, legislators are listening to those directly impacted by…
Recusal of Judge – CCP § 170.6 – California Code Code of Civil Procedure Judge Removal l292 Disqualification of Judicial Officer – Removing a Judge Peremptory Challenge C.C.P. 170.6 Form…
Judge Thomas McConville – Vindictive Beta Male Malicious Use (LEARN HOW) of the Vexatious (LEARN WHAT) litigant law by Judge Thomas McConville, This is acutually a DARK WELL KNOWN TACTIC…
Punitive Excess – The Abuse of America’s criminal legal system America’s criminal legal system is unduly harsh due to abuse by over zealous low functioning prosecutors. These prosecutors have civic…
The Prosecutor Problem – Why Holding Prosecutors Accountable Is So Difficult A former assistant U.S. attorney explains how prosecutors’ decisions are fueling mass incarceration — and what can be done…
The Attorney-Client Privilege in California – Evidence Code § 954 The California attorney-client privilege under Evidence Code § 954, simply put, is a law that ensures that any private communication…
City of San Jose v. Superior Court (Ted Smith) Releasing Private Text/Phone Records of Government Employees City of San Jose v. Superior Court (Ted Smith) Opinion Summary Petitioner requested disclosure…
Coerced Out of Justice: How Prosecutors Abuse Their Power to Secure Guilty Pleas In a first-of-its-kind lawsuit, we’re suing Maricopa County prosecutors to stop them from retaliating against people who…
The Volokh Conspiracy Mostly law professors | Sometimes contrarian | Often libertarian | Always independent #TheyLied Malicious Prosecution / Abuse of Process / Emotional Distress Claim Can Go Forward From…