HOW TO TAKE A DEPOSITION VIRTUALLY In California, video depositions are governed by the California Code of Civil Procedure (CCP), specifically sections 2025.330 and 2025.620, which outline the procedures for…
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HOW TO TAKE A DEPOSITION VIRTUALLY In California, video depositions are governed by the California Code of Civil Procedure (CCP), specifically sections 2025.330 and 2025.620, which outline the procedures for…
Code of Civil Procedure – Section 425.16 California’s Anti-SLAPP Law Code of Civil Procedure – Section 425.16. (a) The Legislature finds and declares that there has been a disturbing increase…
Free Speech, the First Amendment, and Social Media by John Bandler NOTE: This is my original article after the events of 1/6/2021 and is not updated regularly and does not…
Anti-SLAPP and Free Speech in Defamation & Emotional Distress Cases Anti-SLAPP statutes are laws intended to curb – and, often, penalize – the filing of Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation…
Anti-SLAPP Law Cases – Case Law Summaries & Citings Anti-SLAPP laws, which stand for Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation, are designed to protect individuals from lawsuits intended to silence or…
Forgotten audio formats: Wire recording From espionage to home recording, the colorful life of the longest-used audio medium. It’s bizarre but true: wire recording is the longest-lasting capture format in…
Turning the Body Into a Wire When the human body is the communications channel, it’s hard to hack the data In 2007, U.S. vice president Dick Cheney ordered his doctors…
Placerita "white oil" was showcased at the 1876 Philadelphia World's Fair. (Webmaster's note: No, it wasn't. It was discovered in 1899.) It was as clear as kerosene and able to…
This Is How One Man Accidentally Destroyed the Internet 30 Years Ago It all started with the Morris worm. Pixabay Back in November 1988, Robert Tappan Morris, son of the…
The taste of homemade marshmallows is unbelievably rich compared to the store-bought variety. And with the opportunity to flavor or shape them as you desire, who wouldn't want to try…