Wed. Mar 26th, 2025



Cities and counties in California must maintain certain records regarding CCW applications and licenses and forward this information to the DOJ.27 The application and record of a CCW license are public documents unless they contain information by which the county sheriff or municipal police chief can demonstrate that the public interest served by not making such records public clearly outweighs the public interest in their disclosure.28 Nevertheless, certain information contained in the applications for CCW licenses and the records of CCW applicants may not be disclosed to the public.29


see also

Select Senate Bill No. 1421 – California Public Records Act Senate Bill No. 1421 – California Public Records Act


California generally requires a Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) license in order to lawfully carry a concealed firearm in public.1

Prior to June 2022, California law provided local law enforcement with broad discretion to issue or deny CCW licenses and to require applicants for CCW licenses to demonstrate “good cause” to qualify for a license. Accordingly, many local agencies exercised this discretion by generally issuing CCW licenses only to applicants who identified a particularized safety concern or other unique reason (or “cause”) for wanting to carry deadly weapons in public spaces that differentiated them from the general public. However, in 2023, California updated its CCW licensing laws after the US Supreme Court’s June 23, 2022 decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association (“NYSRPA”) v. Bruen invalidated these specific aspects.

Now, under California law, local law enforcement officials shall issue CCW licenses upon determining that the applicant:

(1) Is not a disqualified person (see below);
(2) Is at least 21 years of age, and presents clear evidence of their identity and age;
(3) Has completed a firearms safety course (see below);
(4) Is the recorded owner, with the California Department of Justice, of the firearm for which the license will be issued; and
(5) Meets relevant residency requirements.2

If, on an initial application, the licensing authority requires psychological testing for the license applicant, the applicant must be referred to a licensed psychologist used by the licensing authority for the psychological testing of its own employees.3

Applicants for CCW licenses in California may generally apply to either the local police department in the city where they reside or to the sheriff’s department in the county where they reside.4 (A local police department and the sheriff of the county in which the city is located may also enter into an agreement to delegate review of all CCW applications within the city to one of the two law enforcement agencies.) 5 A person who spends “a substantial period of time” in their principal place of employment or business in a county other than their county of residence may also apply for a CCW license from the sheriff of the county where their place of employment or business is located.6 A CCW license generally lasts two years and is generally valid throughout the state; however, a license issued based on the applicant’s place of employment or business may be valid no longer than 90 days and only in the county where it was issued.7

The local CCW licensing authority must give written notice to the applicant indicating that the application has been approved or denied within 120 days of the initial application for a new license or a license renewal, or 30 days after receipt of the applicant’s criminal background check from the California Department of Justice, whichever is later. If the license is denied, the notice must state which requirement was not satisfied.8

The local CCW licensing authority may include any reasonable restrictions or conditions which the issuing authority deems warranted, including restrictions as to the time, place, manner, and circumstances under which the CCW license holder is authorized to carry a firearm concealed in public.9 Any such restrictions must be indicated on the license itself.10 However, no licensing authority may require an applicant to obtain liability insurance or pay any additional fees not otherwise authorized by law as a condition of the application for a license.11 In 2023, California passed a law prohibiting a CCW licensee from doing any of the following while carrying a firearm as authorized by their license:

(1) Consuming an alcoholic beverage or controlled substance;
(2) Going to a bar;
(3) Being under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, medication, or controlled substance;
(4) Carrying a firearm not listed on their license or a firearm for which they are not the recorded owner;
(5) Falsely representing that they are a peace officer;
(6) Engaging in an unjustified display of a deadly weapon;
(7) Failing to carry their CCW license on their person;
(8) Impeding a police officer in their duties;
(9) Refusing to display their license or to provide the firearm to a peace officer upon demand, for purposes of inspecting the firearm.
(10) Violating any federal, state, or local criminal law.12

Every CCW license must specify the particular firearm the person is authorized to carry, giving the name of the manufacturer, the serial number, and the caliber, as well as the licensee’s name, driver’s license or identification number, Criminal Identification and Information number, occupation, residence and business address, the licensee’s date of birth, height, weight, color of eyes and hair, and indicate the type of license issued, including license issuance and expiration date, and shall contain the licensee’s fingerprints, a picture of the licensee.13

The city or county that has issued a CCW license must revoke the license if, at any time, either the city or county is notified by the California Department of Justice (“DOJ”) or determines that a license holder is legally prohibited from possessing firearms or that the licensee has become a disqualified person.14 If DOJ determines that a licensee is prohibited from possessing firearms, DOJ must immediately notify the city or county,15 and the licensee must be immediately notified in writing that their license was revoked.16


An applicant for a CCW license shall be deemed a “disqualified person” and cannot receive or renew a license if they:

(1) Are reasonably likely to be a danger to themself, others, or the community at large, as demonstrated by anything in their license application or through investigation by the local CCW licensing authority;
(2) Have been convicted of contempt of court;
(3) Have been subject to any restraining order, protective order, or certain other court orders within the previous five years;
(4) Have been convicted of a civil rights or hate crime offense, or misdemeanor that would make the applicant ineligible to possess a firearm, within the previous ten years;
(5) Have engaged in an unlawful or reckless use, display, or brandishing of a firearm;
(6) Have been charged with a serious felony, a misdemeanor sex offense, or misdemeanor that would make the applicant ineligible to possess a firearm, that was dismissed pursuant to a plea, within the previously ten years;
(7) Have been committed to or incarcerated in county jail or state prison for, or on probation, parole or post-release community supervision, or mandatory supervision as a result of, a controlled substances offense;
(8) Are currently abusing controlled substances;
(9) Have experienced the loss or theft of multiple firearms due to their lack of compliance with federal, state, or local law regarding storing, transporting, or securing the firearms; or
(10) Failed to report a loss of a firearm as required by federal, state, or local law;

The local CCW licensing authority is required to conduct an investigation to determine whether an applicant is a “disqualified person.” This investigation must include, for new applications, an in-person interview with the applicant and interviews with at least three character references.17 One reference must be the applicant’s cohabitant, if they have one.18 For all applications, the licensing authority must review publicly available information about the applicant, all information provided in the application, information provided by California DOJ as to whether the applicant is prohibited by state or federal law from possessing firearms, and information in the California Restraining and Protective Order System.19



New CCW license applicants are required to complete a training course approved by the local licensing authority, which must provide at least 16 hours of instruction on firearm handling, shooting technique, and relevant gun safety laws; a demonstration by the applicant of shooting proficiency and safe handling of each firearm the applicant will be licensed to carry; and live-fire exercises conducted on a firing range.20 (Alternatively, the licensing authority may require a community college course certified by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training, up to a maximum of 24 hours, but only if required uniformly of all license applicants without exception).21


Subject to limited exceptions, a California CCW license is valid for up to two years from the date of issuance or renewal.22 License renewal applicants must fulfill most of the same requirements for the original issuance of the license.23 However, renewal applicants may fulfill the safety training course requirements through any course of training approved by the city or county that is at least eight hours long and that provides instruction on firearm handling, shooting technique, and relevant gun safety laws; a demonstration by the applicant of shooting proficiency and safe handling of each firearm the applicant will be licensed to carry; and live-fire exercises conducted on a firing range.24 The city or county issuing the license may require additional psychological testing of a renewal applicant only if there is compelling evidence to indicate that a test is necessary.25 The city or county may not require the applicant to provide additional information other than that necessary to complete the original application or to clarify information provided in the original application.26


Cities and counties in California must maintain certain records regarding CCW applications and licenses and forward this information to the DOJ.27 The application and record of a CCW license are public documents unless they contain information by which the county sheriff or municipal police chief can demonstrate that the public interest served by not making such records public clearly outweighs the public interest in their disclosure.28 Nevertheless, certain information contained in the applications for CCW licenses and the records of CCW applicants may not be disclosed to the public.29


California does not recognize CCW licenses issued by other states. People who have obtained CCW licenses from other states generally may not carry concealed firearms in public in California. source

CCW holder personal information could be made public by law

Many in the Northstate who own a firearm and are Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) permit holders are aware of the Concealed Carry Weapon License Application process which requires personal information from the applicant to be submitted to receive a permit. Information that is asked to be provided includes your name, date of birth, and your occupation, etc.

However, one might not be aware that the information you provide may be subject to public disclosure by law through the California Public Records Act (CPRA). The law requires that governmental records be made available to the public upon request unless otherwise excused by law.

In January, several northern county sheriff’s offices received a public record request made by a major newspaper publication based in the Bay Area for CCW holder information, including the Butte County Sheriff’s Office and the Tehama County Sheriff’s Office who have received the same request.

According to the Butte County Sheriff Kory Honea, he stated that some of the information requested by the newspaper included releasing the full name of all CCW permit applicants since January 1 of 2015, the date of when the CCW permit application was received, the date the CCW permit was issued for approval and other information.

Sheriff Honea stated the sheriff’s office has complied with the law, however, it only released some information, due to privacy concerns. In addition, Sheriff Honea has also decided to notify all CCW holders in Butte County about the made request through a letter and what information they have provided to the newspaper.

The Tehama County Sheriff’s Office Undersheriff Phil Johnston stated they have also received the public records act request on January 9 for CCW holder information. However, before the sheriff’s office could comply with the request, Undersheriff Johnston said the newspaper made a formal request to withdraw their request for CCW holder information data and currently halted their pursuit for information to other agencies. source

All individuals seeking to obtain a California Carry License must complete the
standard Department of Justice “Initial and Renewal Application for License to Carry a
Concealed Weapon” form (BOF Form #2012, Rev. 11/2012).
Q: Where do I Submit my Application for a Carry License?
A: Applicants residing in an unincorporated county territory can only apply to
the sheriff of their county. If they reside in an incorporated city, they can
apply to either the city police department (assuming it is an issuing
authority) or the county sheriff.
Sheriffs are required to accept all CCW applications. Police Chiefs can opt
out of being a CCW issuing authority, in which case they cannot accept
any applications (the Sheriff of the county in which the city is located then
becomes the sole issuing authority), but if they are an issuing authority,
they too must accept all applications. Some issuing authorities will refuse
to accept an application because they require applicants to apply to their
city of residence first (or vice versa). But, this is an illegal practice. If the
issuing authority insists, please contact us.
Note: As discussed below, some agencies may require the individual to
schedule an appointment to go over the initial application before
filling it out.
Q: Where Can I Find the Application Form?
A: Many issuing authorities post the standard Department of Justice
application on their website. If not, a copy of the application form can be
found on the Michel & Associates, P.C. Website.
Q: What Do I Need to Know in Completing the Application?
A: On page 2 of the application, it states that the applicant should not write in
the “Public Disclosure Admonition” section, the “Agreement to
Restrictions and to Hold Harmless” section, and the “Release of
Information and Declaration” sections, as these all need to be completed in
the presence of an agent of the issuing authority who will co-sign, usually
at the initial interview stage. The “Investigator’s Interview Notes” section
(section 7) should also be left blank unless otherwise instructed by the
issuing authority.
Q: What Happens if I Provide False Information in My Application?
A: At the very least, you are subject to prosecution for a misdemeanor, and if
the information concerned a denial or revocation of a license, a criminal
conviction, an insanity determination, use of a controlled substance,
dishonorable discharge from the armed services, commitment to a mental
institution, or renunciation of U.S. citizenship, you may be guilty of a
Q: Do I Need to Submit Anything Other Than the Application?
A: With the application, applicants may also be required to submit
fingerprints using the livescan method and pay the associated fee of $95.
Livescan is a digital method of fingerprinting and is usually done with the
issuing authority, but if the issuing authority allows it, can be done with
any Department of Justice certified livescan operator. Other than the
livescan fingerprinting, the issuing authority cannot require any additional
information beyond what is asked for in the standard Department of
Justice application, except what is necessary to clarify or interpret the
answers given in the application.
Note: Unfortunately, some issuing authorities in California require
additional information, despite being illegal. Additional litigation
may be necessary to correct this.
Q: Are There Any Fees Required to Apply?
A: California law authorizes issuing authorities to charge of a fee of up to
$100 to process an application fee. However, only the first 20% (i.e. $20
maximum) of the local application fee may be collected by the issuing
authority up front. No other fees may be collected at this time, except the
fees for livescan fingerprinting if required. Only upon a determination of
good cause may the issuing authority then require the remaining fees to be
collected. Not all issuing authorities require an application fee.
Q: Why Must I List a Handgun in my Application?
A: An applicant must list on page 5 of the Department of Justice application
the make, model, caliber, and serial number of the firearms to be used in
conjunction with the license. A carry license holder is only allowed to
carry those firearms that are listed on the license. Some issuing authorities
check to make sure the weapon is not stolen, subject to an investigation, or
otherwise questionable. Contact your issuing authority regarding what the
limits (if any) there are as to how many firearms may be listed.
Note: Although it is possible to have a carry license with no listed
firearm, to carry a firearm under a carry license it must be listed
on the license or added to the license at a later date. Practically
speaking, it is unlikely that an issuing authority will issue a carry
license to an individual who does not list a firearm on their initial
Q: Can I List Firearms on the Application That I Do Not Own?
A: Whether a wife can list a handgun that her husband owns, for example,
will depend on the issuing authority’s policy. Check with your issuing
Q: Must I Possess a Handgun Before I Begin the Application Process?
A: Check with your issuing authority if it is required you list the handgun(s)
you wish to list on the application at the start of the application or if you
can wait until your application has been evaluated.
Q: What is the Initial Interview?
A: Some issuing authorities require an applicant to attend an initial interview
conducted by a representative of the issuing authority. At the interview,
the issuing authority will generally go over the application and the
department’s policies. Contact your issuing authority to set up an
appointment for the interview if required and to determine what, if
anything, you must bring with you.
Note: It is illegal for an issuing authority to require any information that
is not otherwise required in the application. However, authority is
allowed to ask questions to clarify any responses you have given
on the application should it be necessary.
Q: What are the Requirements to Obtain a Carry License?
A: Applicants seeking a carry license must show:
1) They have “good cause” for the license,
2) They are of good moral character,
3) They are a resident of the city or county in which they apply,
4) They possess a handgun and list it on the application,
5) They complete all required training,
6) They pass a background check confirming they are not prohibited from
possessing firearms under California or Federal law,
7) They pass a psychological test, if required by the issuing authority, and
8) They pay all required fees.
Q: What is Good Cause?
A: The ability to obtain a carry license in any given jurisdiction generally
depends on the respective issuing authority’s interpretation of what
constitutes “good cause.” There is no definition for “good cause.” As the
law is currently understood, the issuing agency has broad discretion to
determine what constitutes “good cause.” Some issuing agencies simply
require the assertion of a need for self-defense to establish “good cause,”
while others require applicants to provide evidence of a serious threat to
their lives or even refuse to issue any license (or rarely do), essentially no
matter what evidence of “good cause” an applicant provides. Different
jurisdiction interpretations of what constitutes “good cause” have led to
wide disparity in whether carry licenses are issued in any given
jurisdiction. Recently, the NRA won a landmark ruling in the case of
Peruta v. County of San Diego. In Peruta, a three judge panel from the
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals struck down San Diego County Sheriff
William Gore’s policy requiring that law-abiding adults prove they have a
special need in order to establish “good cause” to be issued a carry license.
If the Peruta decision stands, issuing authorities will have to accept “selfdefense” as satisfying the “good cause” requirement. Because the Peruta
decision has yet to become final, not all counties are accepting “selfdefense” as good cause. Many counties however already do regardless of
Peruta. Contact your issuing authority or consult its policy statement to
determine what is required for you to establish “good cause.”
Q: What is Good Moral Character?
A: Current California law also gives broad discretion to issuing authorities in
determining whether an applicant has good moral character. It is currently
unclear, however, exactly how much discretion issuing agencies enjoy.
Usually, however, an applicant is considered to be of good moral character
if they pass the required background check and do not have any serious
documented instances of poor judgment in their recent past. Of course
some issuing authorities may use trivial incidents as a basis for denial.
There will undoubtedly be litigation over the limits or troubling behavior
of issuing authorities discretion in this regard in the future.
Q: What Does it Mean to be a Resident?
A: It is not entirely clear what constitutes residency for a carry license
application because it is not defined. In a recent U.S. District Court ruling,
residency was defined as “a status akin to ‘domiciliary’ under California
law.” It is likely then that if the individual owns or rents their primary
residence within the jurisdiction of the issuing authority, that person will
satisfy this requirement.
Note: For 90-Day permit applications, individuals may also apply if their
primary business is located in the jurisdiction even if their
residence is not.
Q: How Do I Know if I am Prohibited from Firearm Possession?
A: Generally, people are prohibited by law from possessing firearms if they
have been convicted of a felony, was dishonorably discharged from the
military, is subject to a restraining order, convicted of a domestic violence
charge, involuntarily confined to a mental institution, found not guilty by
reason of insanity in any court proceeding, or been designated as a danger
to themselves or others. The Department of Justice conducts this
background check from the livescan fingerprinting provided with the
application and forwards the results to the issuing authority. You can find
out before applying by submitting a “Personal Firearms Eligibility Check”
to the California Department of Justice.
Q: What Training Must I Complete?
A: Applicants must complete a training course chosen by the issuing
authority. The training itself cannot exceed 16 hours for first time
applicants and must include instruction on firearm safety and laws
regarding the lawful use of firearms. Alternatively, issuing authorities
may require initial applicants to pass a community college course of up to
twenty-four (24) hours in length but only if required of all applicants.
Q: How do I Determine if an Instructor is Acceptable to my Issuing Authority?
A: California law gives the issuing authority discretion to certify which
individuals or entities can offer training to applicants, but not all of them
do. Usually, at some point in the application process, the issuing authority
will provide the applicant with information on where to obtain the required
training. If not, just ask.
Q: When Should I Begin Training?
A: An individual should not begin the required training course, and cannot be
required to do so, before a determination by the issuing authority has been
made as to whether or not the individual has satisfied the “good cause”
requirement. This prevents an individual from paying for a required
training class only to be later denied a license for a foreseeable reason.
Note: Some issuing authorities have restrictions on time frames for
completing the required training. Consult your issuing authority
and certified instructors for information concerning any time
Q: Is There a Fee for Training?
A: Most training is provided by private businesses, and as a result there is no
limit on what the cost associated with such training can be. Most training
courses however are competitive in terms of pricing ranging anywhere
between $200 to $300 for a full 16 hour course usually.
Q: My Issuing Authority Requires a Psychological Test, What do I do?
A: California law allows issuing authorities to conduct psychological tests on
applicants. If such testing is required, the applicant must be referred to a
licensed psychologist used by the licensing authority to test its own
employees. The cost for such a test cannot exceed $150. Contact your
issuing authority to arrange for an examination should this be required.
Q: What are the Total Required Fees For Applying?
A: There are two (2) fees an issuing authority may require in addition to the
Department of Justice Background check report fee of $95: 1) the local
application fee, and 2) a psychological test fee, if required. The local
application fee can be up to $100, and a required psychological test can be
up to $150. This makes total maximum application fees for first time
applications $195 if no psychological test is required, or $345 if one is.
Note: This does not include fees that applicant’s may have to pay to
private individuals or entities for training or conducting the livescan.
Q: How Do I Know if I Qualify for a License?
A: There is no sure way of knowing without applying (unless you know your
are legally prohibited from possessing firearms. However, due to an NRAsponsored bill, SB 610 (2012), every issuing authority is required by law
to publish and make available a written policy explaining their view on
each of the requirements. This policy must be available upon request, and
can usually be found on the issuing authority’s website. Information
concerning all 58 county sheriffs and their respective policies can be found
on our California County Sheriff Carry License Policy and Information
Database. If your issuing authority does not have such a policy, please
notify us.
Note: Some Sheriffs still maintain policies that are illegal under
California law. These policies are highlighted in red on the Policy
and Information database and may require additional litigation to
correct. Should you wish to obtain a license at this time and your
issuing authority maintains such a policy, you will still be required
to comply with such policies until they are corrected.
Q: What is the Initial Approval or Denial?
A: After completing the initial interview or otherwise submitting the standard
application form, applicants must be informed in writing whether the
application has been initially approved and whether the applicant has
demonstrated a satisfactory “good cause” for the issuance of a license as
required by the issuing authority’s policy. A notification of initial denial
means the application has been rejected. A notification of initial approval
allows the applicant to proceed to the next phase of the application process
and complete the required training, take fingerprints for a department of
justice background check, undergo a psychological test (if required), and
pay all remaining fees associated with the application. Upon determination
that good cause does not exist, the written notice shall state the specific
reason from the department’s published policy as to why. Should you
receive a notice that your application has been denied for lack of “good
cause,” and the notice fails to state a reason why you were denied under
the issuing authority’s policy statement, please notify us. You should also
fill out and send this letter to your issuing authority.
Q: I Have Been Initially Approved and Completed All Other Requirements,
What Happens Now?
A: The issuing authority is required to give written notice upon satisfying all
of the above requirements to the applicant that the license is approved or
denied. Senate Bill 610 (SB 610) sets out certain requirements for issuing
authorities in processing carry license applications, including that they
explain in writing what their specific policies are and if the applicant is
denied, what part of the policy the applicant did not meet. If approved, the
issuing authority will issue a license with the applicants picture, a list of
firearms that can be carried by the applicant, and any restrictions placed on
the license by the issuing authority.
Q: How Long Do I Have to Wait for a Decision on My Application?
A: How long the process takes from the point of turning in the initial
application to the issuing authority making a decision to grant or deny the
license can vary. An application can be denied almost immediately if the
issuing authority’s initial determination is that the applicant lacks good
cause. The issuing authority has up to 90 days from the individual turning
in the application, or 30 days after the sheriff or police chief receives the
background check results from the Department of Justice, whichever is
later, to provide the required written notice to the applicant indicating that
the license has been approved or denied.
Q: I Have Received Written Notice of my Denial, but it Does Not State Why I
Was Denied, What Should I Do?
A: Should you receive notice from your issuing authority that your
application has been denied, and the notice fails to state a reason why you
were denied, please notify us. You should also fill out and send this letter
to your issuing authority.
Q: Can I Appeal a Denial of a License?
A: There is nothing in the California Penal Code requiring issuing authorities
to process appeals for the denial of a carry license. Most issuing
authorities nevertheless choose to maintain such a system. Check your
issuing authority’s policy or contact it to determine whether it has an
appeal process. You can always send a letter explaining your position.
Q: Where Does My License Allow Me to Carry My Firearm?
A: CCWs are generally valid statewide unless otherwise restricted by the
issuing authority. Also, carry license holders are prohibited from bringing
their firearm into federal facilities and buildings, bars or restaurants whose
primary purpose is the dispensing of alcohol, “sterile areas” of airports,
and other places. California law generally prohibits firearms on schools of
all types, but exempts CCW holders. Familiarize yourself with the law
before entering any place with your firearm. In addition to the law’s
general restrictions issuing authorities may include any reasonable time,
place or manner restrictions on where license holders may carry. Consult
your license for any such restrictions.
Note: There is a website with a map purporting to show what states
recognize California CCWs. We cannot confirm the accuracy of the map,
so you should not rely on it alone in deciding to carry a firearm under
your license in another state. We link to it for information only. You
should always consult an attorney in the state in which you wish to carry
before doing so. Unless recognized by another state, the license is not
valid outside of California.
Q: Are There Any Restrictions on When I Can Carry My Firearm With
My License?
A: Generally, a person cannot carry their firearm while consuming any
alcoholic beverage or under the influence of any medication or
drug. Furthermore, as a practical matter, a person can only carry
their firearm while at the same time carrying their license. Consult
your issuing authority for any additional restrictions.
Q: What Happens if my Address Changes or I Otherwise Move my
A: First, you must notify your issuing authority within 10 days of any
change in a place of residence. A change of address cannot be
grounds for revocation of a license, however if the license holder
moves out of the county, and his or her place of residence was the
basis for issuance of the license, the license will expire after 90
Q: What if I Want to Change the Handguns Listed on my License?
A: California law allows carry license holders to add or delete
authorized handguns from their license. To do so, they must file a
“CCW Amendment” application.
Q: How Long is the Carry License Good For?
A: Standard carry licenses for the average civilian are good for up to 2
years and can be renewed thereafter by reapplying.
Q: Can My Issuing Authority Revoke My Existing License?
A: Issuing authorities must revoke a license if the Department of
Justice determines that the license holder is prohibited from
possessing a firearm. Beyond that, it is unclear what authority an
issuing authority has to revoke an issued license.
Q: Can I Obtain a License to Carry a Firearm Openly?
A: California generally prohibits openly carrying a firearm outside of
places where it is legal to shoot, except in counties with a
population of less than 200,000 persons where the sheriff (but not
any police chief) may issue licenses to do so. Unlike a concealed
carry license, this license is only valid in the county in which it was
issued, not throughout the entire state. Practically speaking,
however, sheriffs rarely, if ever, issue these licenses.
Q: What are the Differences Between a Renewal and Initial Application?
A: The major differences between renewal and initial applications are
the fees associated with the applications and the training
requirements, otherwise the process is the same. The Department
of Justice Application form used for initial application is still
required but instead of checking the “initial application” box on
page 3, check the “renewal application” box.
Q: What are the Required Fees For Standard Civilian Renewal
A: For renewal applications, the Department of Justice fingerprint fee
is $52, the local fee can be up to a maximum of $25, and if good
cause is shown to re-administer a psychological test, the testing fee
of up to $150. This makes the maximum renewal fee $77 or $227
if a psychological test is required.
Note: Renewal applicants are only required to repeat the
psychological test if good cause is shown to indicate a test
is necessary.
Q: What is the Required Training for Renewal Applications?
A: The same rules apply for renewal applications except that the
training must be a minimum of four (4) hours in length. Contact
your issuing authority to determine the required training for
renewal applications should you have specific questions.

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