Tue. Mar 25th, 2025
Dr. Moza ReveiwsDr. Moza Reveiws

Dr Moza Reviews – Dr. Moza the worst name in spine surgery, in our opinion

Do you want to meet the worst spine surgeon ever?

Dr. Moza not only performed the surgery on me but it completely failed and is mismounted and crushing through the next set of vertabrae and pinching my nerve even more!  The bone spurs or spikes that were growing inward still appear in MRI’s which means he most likely never removed them.  He used oversized hardware which other doctors commented is too large,His hardware is pressing through my bone and misaligned.
Instead of taking care of the pain, he increased my pain. After getting upset as his inability to perform his surgery correctly, he told me to go find another doctor. Then I made a website for him drmozaspinesurgeon.com describing everything that I had to deal with his spine surgery failure. Then he went to the police lied to the police and told the police I threatened to kill him. That’s the spine surgeon that will not only will mess you up permanently more, but he’ll cover his own ass after the world via website he performed on your body.
Dr. Moza a true lowlife and a scammer liar in my opinion!
Dr. Moza is terrible spine surgeon who couldn’t get his act together to perform a proper surgery that leads to a proper recovery. Instead the hardware in the misaligned and not sitting correctly, appears to be oversized by statements from other Spine Doctors and its screws are crushing through the next discs above and below.
Dr Moza didn’t even get the hardware setting to be seated and to stay correct! 
The hardware setting is extremely important and its failed!
So if you wanna play around with your neck and this moron, Dr. Moza is your moron!
Dr. Moza will for sure be able to fuck you up and ruin your life, he did mine so I can testify he is good at that, so can my MRI’s!
If you’re looking for a surgeon who has the capacity to ruin your life permanently, Dr. Moza is your guy
Dr. Moza, if you have any complaints about him will also get you some criminal charges if you make a website so if you’re looking for this type of surgeon low life liar scammer, Dr. Moza is your guy
Be prepared for pain permanently and need for more surgery from another surgeon unless of course you want to trust this idiot to operate on you twice after he failed already

Dr Moza’s Spine Surgery was a complete failure

I’ve compiled all his bad reviews. You can read them for yourself.
Also, if you’re looking for a scam artist and a dishonest surgeon, he’s also good at that
He had me pay for my surgery in cash completely he told me he didn’t take insurance
So I paid cash for my surgery  CASH
What he doesn’t know is that he also worked on my housekeeper and my housekeeper, and I look like vastly different people from different classes
Maybe it was my studded Rolex for the reason he told me he doesn’t take insurance
But he still did bill my insurance behind my back for roughly $200,000 after being paid by me in cash for the surgery, I found this out because insurance sent over the bills. Dishonesty in any doctor is a RED FLAG to stay away.
Funny thing is when he worked Caregiver . He told her specifically he does and he took her insurance and she never had to pay cash for the surgery. Dishonesty in any doctor is a RED FLAG to stay away.
That means that when he sees a lot of money, he’s willing to tell a lie and tell them he does not accept insurance that he only accepts cash which means he’s a four profit doctor and not for your best interest doctor, which means that he may have a propensity to purposely Not do surgeries correctly for the rich because they can afford the second surgery to repair it and that’s my personal professional opinion about this scumbag spine surgeon, Dr. Moza

Dr. Moza was the worst surgeon and the worst ethical medical professional I’ve ever found in my honest opinion!


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