Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Kids need prayers! These faithful devotions may help bless our children

Short, heartfelt prayers don’t take long to say

Children Need to Learn Prayers Children Need Prayers Praying is Healthy

With the back-to-school season fully in the rearview mirror at this point in the fall, devotions that invite protection, good health and a studious frame of mind can continue to help set up our children, grandchildren and all other young ones in our lives for success this school year.

Short, heartfelt prayers don’t take long to say, as many busy moms and dads can attest.

And plenty of devotions and prayerful words exist for parents and caregivers to draw on when they need them most.

Ahead of the Thanksgiving, Christmas and Hanukkah holidays — even ahead of Halloween this year — here are some comforting prayers for all to use as they see fit.

Happy friends are shown praying together in the park. “Please keep me safe. Please give me good friends,” as one prayer says. (iStock)

Check these out — and keep them handy when needed.

(All originators and sources are noted.)

‘Bless my learning and my playing’

From W. David O. Taylor, Christianity Today

Dear Jesus, you who promise to be with me always, I pray that you would be with me today as I go to school.

Bless my going and my coming. Bless my learning and my playing.

In your name. Amen.

A young girl in a primary school classroom prays in Lucknow, India. Families can pray for their children: “Father … guide their choices.” (Deepak Gupta/Hindustan Times via Getty Images)

‘Show us the right path as a family’

From Lauren Gaines, Southern Living

Heavenly Father, show our children the right path this school year.

May they not be influenced by the unwise, but seek your purposes in all things.

Guide their choices.

Show us the right path as a family — that we would place our time and energy on the things you want us to invest in.

‘Watch over them and guide them’

From Kingdom Bloggers

Father, I pray that each child knows their strength comes from You and that You give them the courage to face any obstacle they may face at school.

I pray they know to come to you with their fears and anxiety and to trust you to watch over them and guide them throughout the day.


Friends walk into school together. “Father, I pray that each child knows their strength comes from You.” (iStock)

‘Infuse their days with fun’

From Amanda Idleman, Bible Study Tools

Jesus, I ask that my child’s school year would be filled with sweet memories that they will cherish for their lifetime.

Infuse their days with fun that will keep them filled with joy as they grow and learn.

Give them a cheerful face that is contagious as they walk through this school year.





Praying the rosary: Understanding the tradition that helps Catholics meditate on Jesus and Mother Mary


8 Prayers for Your Children

Parenting my children has been one of my life’s most exciting and challenging roles. Amidst the fears for our kid’s school influences, peer pressures, snares of social media, and constant need for protection, we are not alone. God’s GPS, the bible, provides the roadmap we need for effective parenting. Let’s walk shoulder to shoulder as we endeavor to parent and see our kids be all God wants them to be. Here are 10 prayers to help you express your desires for their growth.


Heavenly Father, may my child not fear, for you are with them. As I place my children in your mighty, loving hands, give me peace, knowing that you are right by their side. Please replace their fears with the strength and courage to face whatever the day brings. Give my children a real sense that Jesus is with them. In Jesus’ name, Amen.



Heavenly Father, I pray that my child will know that you are with him. May he rest in your promise that you will take hold of his hand and say to him, “Do not fear; I will help you.” May the security of your words reassure him as he struggles with his studies. When he calls on you, give him clarity of mind. Call to his mind all that he has studied. Protect him from discouragement. Grant him your peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.  



Heavenly Father, protect my children from the negative pressures placed upon them by their peers. When they are tempted to compromise who they are to be liked, please give them the strength to not give in. Help my child remember they are not called to conform to the world and its patterns. Stir within them a desire to become transformed by Your Word. Please give them the courage to say no when they need to positively influence those around them. In Jesus’ name, Amen.  


Heavenly Father, I ask that you place your angels around my children. Protect them wherever they go. Please help them make the right choices about things they should and shouldn’t do. May they find comfort in knowing that your angels are with them to guide and protect them. In Jesus’ name, Amen.   



Heaven Father, I pray for you to protect my children from bullies. I pray you will guard them against these attacks, both online and offline. When a bully does come their way, please give them the wisdom to know the right thing to do and provide them with the strength to follow you.  





Heavenly Father, help me teach my children to be good stewards of the resources they have been given. Help them see the importance and value of placing others needs before their own. Give them a caring heart for those who are less fortunate. May they learn the value of storing up treasures in Heaven and holding material possessions loosely. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 



Heavenly Father, purify my children’s hearts and minds, so their actions never come from pride, anger, or bitterness. Help them bring to the cross their desire to do things out of selfish ambitions. I pray that they would desire to imitate you, Lord. Help them walk in a spirit of humility, regarding others as more important than them. Help them see the needs of those around them. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 


A Prayer For FRIENDS

Heavenly Father, I pray my child finds friends who delight in your law and that they also delight in living according to your ways. Please give them the wisdom and strength to not follow this world’s influences that would draw them away from you. Guide my children to relationships that draw them closer to you. Lead my children to seek you with a pure heart so they will prosper. In Jesus’ name, Amen.   



12 Prayers for Children – Powerful Words of Protection and Hope

Our children mean the world to us. As parents who cares deeply about our the lives of our children, it’s easy to become worried and anxious about their well-being. May we be reminded that children are a gift from God and that He wants them to have a long life filled with blessings!

When you are tempted to worry about the safety of your child, their friendships, their health, and their future, the best thing to do is pray! There is power in prayer to heal, protect, and comfort. Whether your child is a newborn, in grade school, or an adult – they never stop needing their prayers of their parents interceding on their behalf! We have collected some of our favorite prayers for children below. We hope that these prayers not only petition the throne of God for your child but also build your own faith and trust in the Creator and Sustainer of Life.

prayer for childrens protection

A Prayer for My Children’s Protection

Lord, I pray Your emotional, physical, and spiritual protection over my children. Keep evil far from them, and help them to trust You as their refuge and strength. I pray You will guard my children’s mind from harmful instruction, and grant them discernment to recognize truth. I pray You will make them strong and courageous in the presence of danger, recognizing that You have overcome and will set right all injustice and wrong one day. Help them to find rest in Your shadow, as they lives in the spiritual shelter You provide for them. Let our children know that the only safe place is in Jesus, and that their home on earth is only temporary. In Jesus name, amen.

Prayer for a Child’s Faith

Dear God, Create in my child pure heart, and renew a steadfast spirit within them (Psalm 51:10). Help my child to know your Word and to grow in faith each day. Thank You that Your word says I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate my child from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for Our Children to Find Their Identity in Christ

Dear Jesus, help my children know that we are all born as sinners and separated from God because of our wicked hearts. However, at an early age, help them grasp the life-transforming concept that he does not have to live as a sinner under that condemnation.

Teach my children that they have the opportunity to accept a new, beautiful identity that is called “good,” not because of what they have done or what they look like, but because they are secure in who YOU say they are: treasured, delightful, known and protected. Let them not place their self-worth in accomplishments achieved, but let our children discover these deeper truths about who You believe they are and build every decision they make on that sure foundation. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Free Prayer Guide! Every day for the next 30 days, pray in a specific way for your children. Each day will have at least one verse for you to study and pray over your children.

A Prayer for Children’s Wisdom

Lord, I pray that my child will develop an eternal perspective with wisdom purpose that comes from You, not from the earth.  Help my child to see life–and every challenge–through Your eyes, eager and unafraid to share with others the good news of Jesus wherever he goes. I pray that they will set their mind on things above, not just what’s going on here, and that they are rooted and grounded in Your love. I pray that my child will come to understand the extent of Your own love for them–that it surpasses all the head knowledge they will acquire in school. I pray they will be filled up with You from morning ’til night.

A Prayer for Children’s Friendships

Lord, protect our children from negative influences that would lead them away from you. Surround them with friendships and mentor-type relationships that portray what it means to live a Christ-centered life. Allow godliness and righteousness to guide their thoughts and actions. May our children be friends that build others up, friends that influence their peers for good. Help our children to be a light in the dark world and to be encouraged by friends who will stand with them. Amen.

A Daily Prayer for Your Children

Dear God, Another day is ahead, and once again, I want to release my children who I love so incredibly much, straight into your tender care. Because I know that’s the best place they could ever be. Thank you in advance for all that you have in store, for this day, for this season, and for their entire lives.

I ask for your wisdom and direction over their day, that you would give them understanding beyond what their years say they should even know. I ask that you would remind my kids again of how very much you love them. I pray that they find security and confidence fully in you, knowing that you are trustworthy and true.

I ask for laughter and joy to fill their day. I pray that you would give them boldness and courage to face the challenges set before them. I ask for you to protect them from feelings of shame or condemnation, but instead, cover them with your grace and hope. Amen

Prayer for Children’s Safety

Lord, Please keep them safe today. I ask that you would protect them from any harm or evil intent that would lurk close by, or attack them while they’re unaware. I ask for you to cover them in your care and hide them in the safety of your powerful presence. I pray for you to protect their coming and going, and to remind them that you’re always with them. Give them alertness, spiritual discernment, and wisdom to avoid temptation and to make the best choices.I thank you God, that you walk ahead of them, beside them, and behind them too. So I can trust you to always lead the way, be constantly at their side, and to have their back too, all at the same time. Amen.

A Prayer for Children at Bedtime

Dear God, We come before you and we thank you for this day and all that it’s brought our way, the good things and the hard things too. Thank you that within it all, you’ve reminded us again how much you love us and are always with us. We pray that you would help us to leave all of our cares and worries with you right now. Forgive us for the times we didn’t get it right today, in our attitudes or actions. We confess our need for you, and we thank you that you’re so loving and forgiving, compassionate and kind. Help us to be more like you every single day.

Thank you that you constantly remind us we never have to be afraid, in the day or the night. So we choose to put our trust in you as we lay our heads down and close our eyes to rest. We need the sleep and peace that only you can give. We pray for good dreams, for your blessings to surround us in every way.

A Birthday Prayer for Children

Father, this child is a beautiful blessing to our family and we thank you for the gift of life in them! We could not have dreamed up a more delightful little person to grace us. We are blown away by your goodness and creativity. May we always turn to you in worship as we appreciate this child. Thank you for their laughter and smiles. Thank you for this child’s growing imagination and an inquisitive mind. Thank you for growing a heart able to spot needs: hands that rush to help feed the dog or hug a crying sibling. Lord, please grow this child to love you with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. Let their faith be rooted deeply in you. May they use their gifts and talents to bring glory to your name. Grow their character to display the fruit of the spirit. Bless this child and favor them with physical, mental, and emotional health. Thank you for the gift of this child. Help us to steward our influence and relationship for your glory and their good. Amen.

Prayer for Future Work

We pray that our kids would persevere in whatever vocation you give them and that they would work with cheerful hearts as if they were serving you directly. We pray that our kids would see at an early age that money and possessions are a gift from You and thus must be always held with an open hand so that You can use those gifts to bless others.

Prayer to Trust God With Your Child

Lord, You love my child more than I do, Lord, and I trust you with their life. I know you work all things together for good for those who love You. Please give my child stamina to handle trials and struggles that come and the faith to endure any hardship. Help them to hear Your voice, feel Your presence, and impact the faith of others as they live a life of confidence in You. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Prayers for a Bullied Child

Father, it’s hard to see our children hurt. Guide us to act swiftly in their defense when they are in danger physically, and compassionately remind them of who they really are when their soul’s are under attack. We are promised that “in this world we will have trouble,” and that’s no more evident than amongst a crop of elementary-aged children hurling mean insults at another child… or our own child.

Bless and protect our children’s hearts and minds. By the power of the Holy Spirit who helps us to recall Your Word, may we have Truth on the tips of our tongues to remind our kids what You say about them. May they always know that You love them, and that they are Yours. Stir their hearts to hear Your call on their lives early, and may their steps follow fast after You all of their days.

Help us to remember to pray for our enemies. To pray for the bullies. Bless those that harbor malice and anger in their hearts, treating others as less than what they are… Your beautiful creation. Search their hearts for hurt and call them back to You. Love their hurt away.

Father, parenting is amazing and heartbreaking at the same time. Help us, Jesus. Guide us through this maze of raising a child that is God-fearing, God honoring, and Christ following. Beyond our mistakes and inabilities, we know that You chase after our children. Praise You, that it’s not all up to us. Bless our feet to walk out our calling as parents, and our children to hear Your voice above all others… ours and the bullies. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


10 Powerful Prayers to Pray Over Your Children (For All Ages)

Powerful prayers for children

Children are a precious gift from God. So, when the challenges of life come along, it’s easy to fear for their futures. But praise God, we have the gift of praying for children we know and love, and those around the world who may be facing difficult times.

Praying for children is one of the most powerful things you can do as a parent, carer or compassionate Christian. That’s why we’ve gathered together 10 prayers for children.

When inclined to worry about the future of our children – as we naturally do from time to time – use this special collection of prayers to lift up your children to our loving Heavenly Father. Be encouraged by our unique prayers for children written by Compassion Ambassadors.

“Father God, we ask for your blessing today as we pray these prayers over our children. We praise you that every day we can trust in your goodness. Amen”


Take encouragement from the fact that our God is fully in control of all things. Remind yourself that “we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

Prayer: Lord God, we praise you that you are fully in control of all things. I pray you would protect my child. Keep them healthy and help them to thrive. I thank you that you know every hair on their head. You know exactly when they rise and when they fall. Watch over my child in every area of their life and keep them safe I pray, Amen.


As well as praying for your children, it’s great to make a difference in your prayers by remembering some of the most vulnerable children around the world. Praise God, that when you sponsor a child living in poverty, you give them security and hope for the future!

We invited singer-songwriters and Compassion ambassadors, Chloe Reynolds and Philippa Hanna, to share a prayer for kids around the world.

A prayer for precious children around the world from Philippa Hanna:

Dear Lord Jesus. Thank you so much for all the precious children in this world. We know they mean so much to you. We pray you would help us do all we can to protect and give them the start in life they deserve. Lord we bring to you all of the wonderful work being done to release children from poverty, and we pray that you would bless every pair of hands that works for you. Increase and bless their efforts in Jesus name, Amen.

A prayer of thanks to Christ know knew what it was like to be a child by Chloe Reynolds:

Thank you Jesus that you have lived here as one of us, you know what it’s like to be a child, and to feel everything that children feel. Thank you that we as adults have everything we need to encourage, nurture and provide for those in need.

I pray for children around the world that you would be in their lives and they would grow up knowing they are loved by you. As you bless them with opportunities in their local projects, I pray they would be able to change lives for others in their communities too. Amen


In the uncertainty of life, give thanks that God has good plans for your children. He will give them a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank you that all good gifts come from you. I thank you that I can trust you for the future of my family. Please guide my child in every step they take. I pray they would know your provision and protection. Make steady their steps I pray. Amen

childrens prayer


childrens prayer


Praise God for the educational opportunities He’s given your child! Pray for them to grow in intrigue and wonder at world around them. Ask that they would develop a real love of learning. “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” Proverbs 2:6

Prayer: God I thank you for the gift of knowledge! I praise you that you provide us with brains to think and question the world around us. I pray you would help my child learn well and flourish. May they discover their unique talents and giftings. Give them a passion for the world around them. Amen


As these Bible verses about friendship remind us, relationships truly are a gift. Take a moment to pray for your child to know the support of great friends around them.

Prayer: Father God, I thank you that you made us to be in relationship with others. I pray for my child to know great care and support from those around them. May they be encouraged by friends at school, college or university. May they show your love and care to their friendship circle. Amen

praying for your children


praying for your children


Child advocate and President Emeritus of Compassion, Wess Stafford, shares a prayer for all those caring for children to know God’s patience and grace. Take time to pray that you would know God’s hand on your life as you care for children.

Prayer: We love You so much, Lord! We surrender fully to You and pray that Your love will guide us today and every day. May we simply be conduits of Your love to the children in our care. Amen

“Watch carefully the children around you. In precious moments you will catch a glimpse of your Saviour’s face. Listen intently and you will hear his voice. Walk gently among them; his footprints are all around you. Embrace them, for you are embracing him. Respect them, because they are sometimes God’s agents – exactly the kind of instruments he needs. At such times, only a child will do.” Wess Stafford


Babies are such a precious gift. Thank God that He is the author and giver of life! “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139:13

Prayer: Lord God, we thank you for the gift of new life. We thank you for this precious baby’s safe arrival into our world. We pray this baby would sleep peacefully and be kept from harm. We pray you would bless this child as they grow. Keep them safe and strong in the weeks, months and years ahead. Give us grace and strength through the highs and lows of caring for a newborn baby. In Jesus’ name. Amen


Being a teenager can be tough. We hope this prayer will spur you on to pray for your teenager to know the faithfulness of God through both challenges and joys.

Prayer: Lord God, I pray for my teenage son or daughter to know your goodness and provision. I pray they would place their identity in you. I ask that in the pressures of life, they would know you are their rock on which they can stand. I pray that through the challenges of school life, exams, and future decisions, you would lead them, guide them and bring them comfort. In Jesus’ name, Amen


Use this helpful prayer to guide you in praying for your son as they grow up.

Prayer: Father God, I praise you for the gift of my son. I pray he would follow after you and be a builder of your kingdom. I ask that you would protect and steady his steps. May he learn to hear and follow your voice. Like Timothy in the Bible, may my son be an example to believers in speech, love, conduct, faith and purity. (1 Timothy 4:12) Amen


Take a moment to give thanks for the gift of your daughter. Let these words spur you on as you pray for her future.

Prayer: Holy God, I thank you for the precious gift of my daughter. I pray you would protect her through the years. May she become a young woman of great character, seeking after your heart. I pray that through the challenges of life, she would find her confidence in you. May she know your joy as her strength (Nehemiah 8:10). Amen.


A child’s prayer can be beautiful and powerful. As well as praying for your children, it’s also great to encourage your kids to pray simple prayers themselves. Let this collection of prayers for kids help your child as they reach out to their Heavenly Father.

praying for children


praying for children

Morning prayers for kids

Teaching your children to pray in the morning is really simple and it’s a great foundational habit to teach them. These are some ideas of morning prayers your child can use as a guide:

  • Father God I thank you for this new day. I thank you that you love me and are with me today. Amen
  • Father God, please be with me today in everything I will face. Help me to learn well at school. I pray that I would be a good friend to those around me today. Amen
  • Father God, I thank you for everything you have done for me. I thank you for my family and my friends. I thank you that you love me so much that you sent your son Jesus for me.

Bedtime prayers for children

Some children may find it easier to pray at bedtime. Use this selection of children’s bedtime prayers to connect with God during your child’s nighttime routine:

  • Father God I thank you for being with me today. I thank you that you were alongside me in everything I faced today. Please help me in the week ahead. I thank you that you will never leave me. Amen
  • Father God I thank you for everything you have blessed me with today. Thank you for my friends and family. Thank you for keeping me safe. Amen
  • Father God, I pray you would help me sleep well tonight. I thank you that you love me and care for me. Amen

We’d love you to share these prayers for children, so others are encouraged to pray for and with their children. source

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