Thu. Mar 6th, 2025
The White House is lit up in rainbow colors in commemoration of the Supreme Court's ruling to legalize same-sex marriage.

Poisoning of America by the Mentally Ill
Sinning LGBTQ Appointments
in the Obama – Biden Administration

To date, the Obama-Biden Administration has appointed more than 250 openly LGBTQ professionals to full-time and advisory positions in the executive branch; more than all known LGBTQ appointments of other presidential administrations combined.

Executive Office of the President

Miguel A. Ayala Deputy Director of Communications, Council on Environmental Quality

Trent Bauserman Associate Director for Legislative Affairs, Council on Environmental Quality

Anthony Bernal Director of Scheduling/Trip Director, Dr. Jill Biden, Office of the Vice President

Jeremy Bernard Social Secretary, The White House

Michael P. Botticelli** Deputy Director, Office of National Drug Control Policy

Wally Brewster, Ambassador to the Dominican Republic

Pamela Coleman Director, Outreach and Recruitment, Presidential Personnel Office

Grant Colfax Director, White House Office of National AIDS Policy

Monique Dorsainvil Deputy Director of Advance and Special Events, Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs

Mark A. Doumet Chief of Staff, Office of the White House Counsel

Carlos Elizondo Residence Manager & Social Secretary to the Vice President & Dr. Biden, Office of the Vice President

George Fistonich Policy Assistant, Office of National AIDS Policy

Shin Inouye Director, Specialty Media, Office of Communications, The White House

Peter Kaldes Director, International Economic Affairs, National Security Staff

Brad Kiley Director, Office of Management and Administration, The White House

Kei Koizumi Assistant Director for Federal Research and Development, Office of Science and Technology Policy

Jeffrey Lerner Regional Director, Office of Political Affairs, The White House

Denise Maes Director of Administration, Office of the Vice President

Greg Millett Senior Policy Advisor, Office of National AIDS Policy, The White House

Dave Noble Special Assistant to the President, Office of Presidential Personnel, The White House

Matt Nosanchuk Associate Director of the Office of Public Engagement, Jewish Outreach

Diana Noyes Researcher, Office of the White House Counsel, The White House

Gautam Raghavan Associate Director, Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs, The White House

Ellie Sue Schafer Director, White House Visitors Office, The White House

Campbell Spencer Regional Director, Office of Political Affairs, The White House

Everette Stubbs Deputy Director, White House Visitors Center, The White House

Nancy Sutley* Chair, Council on Environmental Quality

Kamala Vasagam Special Assistant to the President, Office of Presidential Personnel, The White House

Frederick Loo Wong Staff Assistant, Office of Presidential Personnel, The White House

Brian Bond Deputy Director, Office of Public Engagement, The White House

Ebs Burnough Deputy Social Secretary, Office of the First Lady, The White House

Brook Colangelo Chief Information Officer, Office of Administration

Jeffrey Crowley Director, Office of National AIDS Policy, The White House

Michael Gottlieb Associate White House Counsel Kathleen Hartnett Associate Counsel to the President and Special Assistant to the President, The White House

Karine Jean-Pierre Regional Director, Office of Political Affairs, The White House

Matthew G. Lawrence Press Assistant, Office of the United States Trade Representative

Zach Liscow Staff Economist, Council of Economic Advisers Anthony

Macri Office of Public Affairs, The White House

Ryan Metcalf Assistant to the Ambassador, Office of the United States Trade Representative

Alison Nathan, Associate Counsel to the President, The White House

Rusty D. Pickens, Deputy Director for New Media

Zachary A. Portilla Assistant, Office of Presidential Personnel, The White House

Moe Vela Director of Operations, Office of the Vice President

William Woolston Staff Economist, Council of Economic Advisers

Presidential Boards and Commissions

Roberta Achtenberg Commissioner, United States Commission on Civil Rights

Cornelius Baker Member, Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS

Praveen Basaviah Member, Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS

Bruce Bastian Member, President’s Advisory Committee on the Arts for the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

David C. Bohnett General Trustee, Board of Trustees of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

Douglas Brooks Member, Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS

Bruce Allen Carter Member, National Council on the Arts

John Coppola* Member, National Museum and Library Services Board

Humberto Cruz Member, Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS

Fred Eychaner General Trustee, Board of Trustees of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

Chai Feldblum* Commissioner, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Brenda S. “Sue” Fulton Member, Board of Visitors to the United States Military Academy

Robert Greenwald Member, Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS

Michael E. Guest Member, National Security Education Board

Steve Gunderson Commissioner, President’s Commission on White House Fellows

Tom Healy Member, J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board

Michael Horberg Member, Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS

Ejay Jack Member, Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS

Jack Jackson Member, Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS

Billie Jean King Member, President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition

James Kolbe Member, Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations

Reginald Lewis Member, Commission on Presidential Scholars

Susan Lowenberg Member, United States Holocaust Memorial Council

Robert M. Saltzman Member, Commission on Presidential Scholars

Kenneth Tolson Member, President’s Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Hector L. Vargas, Jr. Commissioner, President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

George B. Walker, Jr. Member, President’s Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Nancy L. Wilson Member, President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships

Phil Wilson Member, Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS

Fred Davie Member, President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships

Michael Fleming Member, Council for Community Solutions

Harry Knox Member, President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships

Mark Perriello Member, Presidential Rank Review Board

Department of Agriculture

H. T. Atkinson Senior Energy Advisor to Undersecretary of Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services

Ashlee Davis Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights

Justin DeJong Director of Public Affairs, Office of Communications

Norah Deluhery Special Assistant to the Under Secretary, Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services

Glenda Humiston State Director for Rural Development, California

Tony Jackson Director of External Affairs, Farm Service Agency

Michael Martinez Special Assistant, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights

Ven Neralla Director of Congressional Affairs, Research, Education and Economics

Tom Fazzini Press Secretary

Carole Jett Deputy Chief of Staff

Jesse Salazar Legislative Analyst, Office of Congressional Relations, Office of the Secretary

Department of Commerce

Michael Camuñez* Assistant Secretary, Market Access and Compliance

Lyle Canceko Director of Outreach and Strategic Initiatives, Office of the Secretary

Gary Gates Member, Census Scientific Advisory Committee

David Mills* Assistant Secretary, Export Enforcement

Paulina Montanez-Montes Confidential Assistant, Office of the Secretary

Peter Pappas Chief of Staff, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Ryan Rhodes Special Advisor, International Trade Administration

Jim Stowers Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs

Benjamin Walther Member, International Convention for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna Technical Advisory Committee, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration

Al Boudlin Member, Environmental Technologies Trade Advisory Committee, International Trade Administration

John Connor Director, Office of White House Liaison

Department of Defense

Margarethe Cammermeyer Member, Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services

Tanisha Dozier Special Assistant for Special Projects, Office of the Secretary of Defense

Eric Fanning,* Secretary of the Army

Christopher Kirchhoff Special Advisor to the Deputy Secretary of Defense

Jonathan Lee Special Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of Defense

Joseph Palacios Member, Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, Board of Visitors

Luke Schleusener Research Assistant, Speechwriting Group, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense

Tarak Shah Special Assistant, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy Plans and Programs

Amanda Simpson Special Assistant, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logisitics, and Technology

Louis Tharp Member, Army Education Advisory Committee

Alex Wagner Chief of Staff, Secretary of the Army

Douglas B. Wilson* Assistant Secretary, Public Affairs

Department of Education

Blake A. Harden Confidential Assistant, Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development

Ruthanne Buck Chief of Staff, Office of Legislation and Congressional Affairs

John Easton* Director, Institute of Education Sciences

Kyle Flood Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the General Counsel

Seth M. Galanter Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy, Office for Civil Rights

Steven Hicks Special Assistant, Early Childhood, Office of the Secretary

Robert Kim Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office for Civil Rights

Steven Means Senior Policy Advisor, Special Assistant, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

Jon O’Bergh Special Assistant to the Under Secretary

Marten Frazier Member, Regional Advisory Committee, Mid-Western

Adam Hackel Member, Regional Advisory Committee, Mid-Atlantic

Kevin Jennings Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools

Andy Lee Chief of Staff, Office of Innovation and Improvement

Janet Levenson Member, Regional Advisory Committee, Western

Henry Lo Member, Regional Advisory Committee, Western

Robert McGarry Member, Regional Advisory Committee, Mid-Atlantic

Summer Pennell Member, Regional Advisory Committee, Southeastern

Brett Peterson Member, Regional Advisory Committee, Western

Ken Santistevan Member, Regional Advisory Committee, Central

Patrick Shaw Member, Regional Advisory Committee, Mid-Atlantic

Graciela Slesaransky-Poe Member, Regional Advisory Committee, Mid-Atlantic

Erik Stegman Policy Advisor, Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools

Joaquin Tamayo Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

Alena Treat Member, Regional Advisory Committee, Southeastern

Department of Energy

Luke H. Bassett Special Assistant, Office of Climate Change and Technology

Benjamin Dotson Program Coordinator for Digital Reform, Office of Public Affairs

Matty Greene Multimedia Editor – Video, Office of Public Affairs

Clyde Henderson, III Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental & External Affairs

Holmes Hummel Senior Advisor, Policy and International Affairs

Steven Robert Thai Press Assistant, Office of Public Affairs

Natalie Fernandez Trips Coordinator Michael J. Holland Senior Advisor & Staff Director, Office of Under Secretary for Science

Kristina M. Johnson* Under Secretary of Energy Peter Roehrig Special Assistant, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Alexander Sewell Special Assistant, Office of Advance & Scheduling

Department of Health and Human Services

Ken Choe Deputy General Counsel

Jesus “Jesse” Garcia Special Assistant, Office of Public Affairs, Administration for Children and Families

George Sheldon Acting Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families

Kathy Greenlee* Assistant Secretary, Administration for Aging

Perry Halkitis Member, CDC/HRSA Advisory Committee on HIV and STD Prevention and Treatment

Sarah Hunter Special Assistant, Administration for Children and Families

Pamela Hyde* Administrator, Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration

Jen Kates Member, CDC/HRSA Advisory Committee on HIV, Viral Hepatitis and STD Prevention and Treatment

Jeffrey Levi Member, Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health

Henry Ng Member, National Advisory Council, Healthcare Research and Quality

Jesus Ramirez-Valles Member, National Advisory Council on Minority Health and Health Disparities

David Roberts Member, Advisory Panel on Outreach and Education, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Herb Schultz Director of Region IX

Elisabeth B. Wilson Member, Negotiated Rulemaking Committee for Designation of Medically Underserved Populations and Primary Care Health Professions Shortage Areas

Jamison Citron Confidential Assistant, Office of the White House Liaison

David Hansell Acting Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families

Richard Sorian*** Assistant Secretary, Public Affairs

Department of Homeland Security

Matt Angelo Special Assistant, Office of the Chief of Staff, Office of the Secretary

Matt Angelo Advisor to the Secretary on Cybersecurity, Office of the Secretary

Pia Carusone Assistant Secretary, Public Affairs

Philip McNamara Assistant Secretary for Intergovernmental Affairs

Matt Adler Special Assistant to the Director, Citizenship and Immigration Services

Daniel H. Hantman Senior Counselor to the Director, Citizenship and Immigration Services

Jeffrey Neal Chief Human Capital Officer

David Pressman Assistant Secretary, Office of Policy Development

Department of Housing and Urban Development

Alejandro Aviles Congressional Relations Officer, Congressional & Intergovernamental Relations

Jennifer Ho Senior Advisor for Housing and Services

Jennifer C. Jones Advisor, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing

Patrick Pontius Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research

Raphael Bostic* Assistant Secretary, Policy Development and Research

Neill McG. Coleman Chief External Affairs Officer, Office of Public Affairs

Mercedes Marquez* Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development

Department of Justice

Mark Agrast Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legislative Affairs

Stuart Delery Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division

Laura Duffy* U.S. Attorney, Southern District of California

Jenny Durkan* U.S. Attorney, Western District of Washington

Michael Hughes* U.S. Marshal, District of Columbia, Superior Court

Karen A. Lash Senior Counsel for Access to Justice

Sharon Lubinski* U.S. Marshal

Benjamin C. Mizer Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel

Paulo C. Palugod Special Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General, Environment and Natural Resources Division

Robert Lee Pitman* U.S. Attorney, Western District of Texas

Anne M. Tompkins* U.S. Attorney, Western District of North Carolina

Judy Appelbaum Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legislative Affairs Beatrice Hanson (nomination withdrawn) Director, Office for Victims of Crime

Matt Nosanchuk Senior Counselor, Office of the Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division

Mitchell Rivard Press Assistant, Office of Public Affairs

Department of Labor

Jeremy Bishop Special Assistant to the Secretary, Office of Public Engagement

Carl Fillichio Senior Advisor to the Secretary, Public Affairs and Communications

Gary Gates Member, Data Users Advisory Committee, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Adrian Haro Speechwriter

Charlotte Hayes Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management

Kathy Martinez* Assistant Secretary, Office of Disability Employment Policy

Mary Beth Maxwell Senior Advisor, Office of Policy

Joe Henriquez McNearney Special Assistant, Office of the Secretary

J. Todd Metcalf Deputy Director, Office of Recovery for Auto Communities and Workers, Employment and Training Administration

Dylan Orr Chief of Staff, Office of Disability Employment Policy

José Alberto Rodriguez Staff Assistant to the Secretary, Office of the Secretary

Jason Surbey Special Assistant, Office of Public Affairs

Eric Kleiman Speechwriter, Office of Public Affairs

Livia Y. Lam Deputy Director, Office of Intergovernmental Affairs

Joshua R. Lamont Special Assistant, Office of Public Affairs

Ana M. Ma Chief of Staff

Department of State

Daniel Baer Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor

Daniel Baer Ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)

John Berry U.S. Ambassador to Australia

James Costos U.S. Ambassador to Spain

Alan O. Fitts White House Liaison

Rufus Gifford U.S. Ambassador to Denmark

Carl C. H. Gray Special Assistant, Office of the Chief of Protocol

David Huebner* Chief of Mission, New Zealand & Independent State of Samoa (U.S. Ambassador)

David Kim Staff Assistant, Professional and Cultural Exchanges

Timothy Merritt Director of Scheduling and Advance, Office of Ambassador Susan E. Rice, United States Mission to the United Nations

Mira Patel Special Advisor, Policy Planning, Office of the SecretaryJason Rahlan Public Affairs, Office of the Chief of Protocol

Rusty D. Pickens, Senior Advisor for Digital Platforms

Nick Schmit Assistant Chief of Protocol, Office of the Chief of Protocol

Mark E. Walsh Deputy Chief of Protocol

Ethan Gelber Staff Assistant, Office of White House Liaison

Department of the Interior

J. Andrew Jackson Deputy Assistant Secretary for Technology, Information, and Business Services

Jenny Sarabia Special Assistant for Advance, Office of the Secretary

Mark Perriello White House Liaison

Thomas Petrillo Special Assistant to the Director of Scheduling

Constance L. Rogers Deputy Solicitor, Energy and Mineral Resources

Department of the Treasury

Leonardo Martinez-Diaz Deputy Assistant Secretary, Western Hemisphere

Department of Transportation

Camille Hazeur Director, Office of Civil Rights

Kevin F. Thompson Associate Administrator, Federal Railroad Administration

Orlando Gotay, Jr. Deputy Administrator, U.S. Maritime Administration

Department of Veterans Affairs

Raúl Perea-Henze* Assistant Secretary, Policy and Planning

Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Steven Adamske Director of Public Affairs

Corporation for National and Community Service

Kimberly Allman Director, Office of Government Relations

Collin E. Burton Senior Legislative Assistant, Office of Government Relations

Ted Miller Director of External Affairs

Michael Yudin Acting Assistant Secretary, Special Education and Rehabilitative Services

Environmental Protection Agency

Heidi Ellis Senior Advisor, Office of External Affairs and Environmental Education, Office of the Administrator

James Martin Regional Administrator, Region 8

Ryan M. Robison Deputy Director of Scheduling, Office of the Administrator

Mark W. Rupp Deputy Associate Administrator for Intergovernmental Relations, Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations

Export-Import Bank

Fred Hochberg* Chairman

Jonathan Cordone General Counsel

James Kolbe Member, Advisory Committee Thomas

Lopach Senior Vice President, Congressional Affairs

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Jonathan Herczeg White House Liaison

Jennifer E. Sanchez Executive Officer, Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs

National Science Foundation

Ainissa G. Ramirez Member, Committee on Equal Opportunities in Science and Engineering

Jamal Brown Confidential Assistant, Office of Management & Budget

Daniel Gordon* Administrator, Office of Federal Procurement Policy

Office of Personnel Management

Vic Basile Senior Counselor to the Director

Matthew W. Collier Senior Advisor to the Director

John Marble Strategic Communications Specialist, Office of Public Affairs

Thomas Richards Director, Office of Communications and Public Liaison

Peace Corps

Jeremy Haldeman Deputy Director of Congressional Relations, Office of the Director of the Peace Corps

David Medina Director, Office of Public Engagement

Small Business Administration

Eric D. Collins Member, Council on Underserved Communities

Aditi Dussault Advisor, Government Contracting and Business Development

Brayden T. McCarthy Policy Advisor, Office of the Administrator

Nathan Osburn Senior Speechwriter

Jonathan Swain Chief of StaffChris Van Es Special Assistant

Chris Chan Special Advisor, Office of Public Engagement

United States Agency for International Development

Lars Anderson, Press Director

Clay Doherty, Director of Protocol & Special Events

Claire Lucas, Senior Advisor on Public Private Partnerships

Jeffrey Marburg-Goodman, Special Counsel to the Administrator

Chloe Schwenke, Senior Advisor on Democracy and Governance, Africa Bureau


Marisa Demeo* Associate Judge, Superior Court of the District of Columbia

Jennifer Di Toro* Associate Judge, Superior Court of the District of Columbia

Pamela Ki Mai Chen* Judge, United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York

Edward DuMont** Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit

Michael Walter Fitzgerald* Judge, United States District Court for the Central District of California

Emily C. Hewitt Chief Justice, United States Court of Federal Claims

Todd Hughes Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit

Elaine Kaplan Judge, United States Court of Federal Claims

Michael McShane** Judge, United States District Court for the District of Oregon

Alison Nathan* Judge, United States District Court for the Southern District of New York

J. Paul Oetken* Judge, United States District Court for the Southern District of New York

Nitza I. Quiñones Alejandro Judge, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania

Joseph H. Gale* Judge, United States Tax Court

Albert Lauber** Judge, United States Tax Court