Mon. Mar 24th, 2025

Pro Se Forms and Forms Information

Any person appearing pro se may not utilize electronic filing except with the permission of the assigned judge. Pro se litigants, whether or not their litigation is assigned as a pro se case (“PS”), shall file and serve paper documents as required by applicable rules of civil or criminal procedure, or the local rules of this district.


  1. In General.  This and the other pleading forms available from the website illustrate some types of information that are useful to have in complaints and some other pleadings.  The forms do not try to cover every type of case.  They are limited to types of cases often filed in federal courts by those who represent themselves or who may not have much experience in federal courts.
  2. Not Legal Advice.  No form provides legal advice.  No form substitutes for having or consulting a lawyer.  If you are not a lawyer and are suing or have been sued, it is best to have or consult a lawyer if possible.
  3. No Guarantee.  Following a form does not guarantee that any pleading is legally or factually correct or sufficient.
  4. Variations Possible.  A form may call for more or less information than a particular court requires.  The fact that a form asks for certain information does not mean that every court or a particular court requires it.  And if the form does not ask for certain information, a particular court might still require it.  Consult the rules and caselaw that govern in the court where you are filing the pleading.
  5. Examples Only.  The forms do not try to address or cover all the different types of claims or defenses, or how specific facts might affect a particular claim or defense.  Some of the forms, such as the form for a generic complaint, apply to different types of cases.  Others apply only to specific types of cases.  Be careful to use the form that fits your case and the type of pleading you want to file.  Be careful to change the information the form asks for to fit the facts and circumstances of your case.
  6. No Guidance on Timing or Parties.  The forms do not give any guidance on when certain kinds of pleadings or claims or defenses have to be raised, or who has to be sued.  Some pleadings, claims, or defenses have to be raised at a certain point in the case or within a certain period of time.  And there are limits on who can be named as a party in a case and when they have to be added.  Lawyers and people representing themselves must know the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the caselaw setting out these and other requirements.  The current Federal Rules of Civil Procedure are available, for free, at
  7. Privacy Requirements.  Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 5.2 addresses the privacy and security concerns over public access to electronic court files.  Under this rule, papers filed with the court should not contain anyone’s full social-security number or full birth date; the name of a person known to be a minor; or a complete financial-account number.  A filing may include only the last four digits of a social-security number and taxpayer identification number; the year of someone’s birth; a minor’s initials; and the last four digits of a financial-account number.

Contact the Department of Justice to report the act a civil rights violation


Tort Claims Form File Government Claim for Eligible Compensation

Complete and submit the Government Claim Form, including the required $25 filing fee or Fee Waiver Request, and supporting documents, to the GCP.

See Information Guides and Resources below for more information.

Tort Claims – Claim for Damage, Injury, or Death






Helpful articles involving Torts

How to File a complaint of Police or Government Misconduct?

$uing for MisconductKnow More of Your Right$

Police Misconduct in CaliforniaHow to Bring a Lawsuit

Section 1983 Lawsuit   How to Bring a Civil Rights Claim

Offsite Help 

You may need assistance obtaining police reports, incident reports, bodycam footage etc..

Retrieving Police Data, their police line recordings, and bodycam Footage SB1421 form & learn here


Pro Se Forms

Court Imposed Sanctions



Civil Pro Se Forms


National court forms can be used in all federal courts can be used in all US Federal Courts

 National court forms

 National court forms can be used in all federal courts

Find a national federal court form. National court forms can be used in all federal courts. Each federal court maintains their own local court forms. Use the Federal Court Finder to find a federal court and their local court forms.

Search for national federal court forms by keyword, number, or filter by category. Forms are grouped into the following categories: Attorney, Bankruptcy, Civil, Court Reporter, Criminal, Criminal Justice Act (CJA), Human Resources, Jury, and Other.

Form Number
Form Name
AO 10A Financial Disclosure Report Request Other Forms
AO 30 Certified Copy Other Forms
AO 35 Certificate of Official Court Reporter Court Reporter Forms
AO 37 Expense Ledger Court Reporter Forms
AO 38 Attendance Ledger Court Reporter Forms
AO 39 Transcript Orders and Collections Ledger Court Reporter Forms
AO 40A Attendance and Transcripts of United States Court Reporters Court Reporter Forms
AO 40B Statement of Earnings of United States Court Reporters Court Reporter Forms
AO 41A Ledger Other Forms
AO 44 Invoice Court Reporter Forms
AO 78 Application for Judicial Branch Federal Employment Human Resources Forms
AO 83 Summons in a Criminal Case Law Enforcement, Grand Jury, and Prosecution Forms
AO 85 Notice, Consent, and Reference of a Civil Action to a Magistrate Judge Civil Forms
AO 85A Notice, Consent, and Reference of a Dispositive Motion to a Magistrate Judge Civil Forms
AO 86A Consent to Proceed Before a Magistrate Judge in a Misdemeanor Case Defendant Consent and Waiver Forms
AO 88 Subpoena to Appear and Testify at a Hearing or Trial in a Civil Action Notice of Lawsuit, Summons, Subpoena
AO 88A Subpoena to Testify at a Deposition in a Civil Action Notice of Lawsuit, Summons, Subpoena
AO 88B Subpoena to Produce Documents, Information, or Objects or to Permit Inspection of Premises in a Civil Action Notice of Lawsuit, Summons, Subpoena
AO 89 Subpoena to Testify at a Hearing or Trial in a Criminal Case Subpoena Forms
AO 89B Subpoena to Produce Documents, Information, or Objects in a Criminal Case Criminal Forms
AO 90 Subpoena to Testify at a Deposition in a Criminal Case Subpoena Forms
AO 91 Criminal Complaint Law Enforcement, Grand Jury, and Prosecution Forms
AO 93 Search and Seizure Warrant Law Enforcement, Grand Jury, and Prosecution Forms
AO 93A Search and Seizure Warrant on Oral Testimony Law Enforcement, Grand Jury, and Prosecution Forms
AO 93B Anticipatory Search and Seizure Warrant Law Enforcement, Grand Jury, and Prosecution Forms
AO 93C Warrant by Telephone or Other Reliable Electronic Means Law Enforcement, Grand Jury, and Prosecution Forms
AO 94 Commitment to Another District Law Enforcement, Grand Jury, and Prosecution Forms
AO 98 Appearance Bond Pretrial Release and Appearance Bond Forms
AO 99 Appearance Bond of Witness Pretrial Release and Appearance Bond Forms
AO 100A Bail Information Sheet Criminal Forms
AO 100B Surety Information Sheet Criminal Forms
AO 102 Application for a Tracking Warrant Law Enforcement, Grand Jury, and Prosecution Forms
AO 103 Order Requiring Assistance in Executing a Tracking Warrant (Under Seal) Law Enforcement, Grand Jury, and Prosecution Forms
AO 104 Tracking Warrant Law Enforcement, Grand Jury, and Prosecution Forms
AO 106 Application for a Search Warrant Law Enforcement, Grand Jury, and Prosecution Forms
AO 106A Application for a Warrant by Telephone or Other Reliable Electronic Means Law Enforcement, Grand Jury, and Prosecution Forms
AO 108 Application for a Warrant to Seize Property Subject to Forfeiture Law Enforcement, Grand Jury, and Prosecution Forms
AO 109 Warrant to Seize Property Subject to Forfeiture Law Enforcement, Grand Jury, and Prosecution Forms
AO 110 Subpoena to Testify Before Grand Jury Subpoena Forms
AO 120 Report on Filing Patent/Trademark Other Forms
AO 121 Report on the Filing or Determination of an Action or Appeal Regarding a Copyright Other Forms
AO 132 Exemplification Certificate (District Court) Other Forms
AO 133 Bill of Costs (District Court) Other Forms
AO 136 Certificate of Good Standing (District Court) Attorney Forms
AO 136A Certificate of Good Standing (Court of Appeals) Attorney Forms
AO 145 Notice of Entry – Orders/Judgment Other Forms
AO 153 Attorney Oath on Admission Attorney Forms
AO 154 Substitution of Attorney Attorney Forms
AO 187 Exhibit and Witness List Other Forms
AO 187A Exhibit and Witness List – Continuation Other Forms
AO 190 Record of the Number of Grand Jurors Concurring in an Indictment Law Enforcement, Grand Jury, and Prosecution Forms
AO 191 Report of a Grand Jury’s Failure to Concur in an Indictment Law Enforcement, Grand Jury, and Prosecution Forms
AO 199A Order Setting Conditions of Release Pretrial Release and Appearance Bond Forms
AO 199B Additional Conditions of Release Pretrial Release and Appearance Bond Forms
AO 199C Advice of Penalties/Acknowledgment Pretrial Release and Appearance Bond Forms
AO 205 Summons to Appear to Complete Juror Qualification Form Jury Forms
AO 213 Vendor Information/Certification Other Forms
AO 213P Payee Information and TIN Certification Other Forms
AO 215 Request to Determine Foreign Vendor Tax Payments Other Forms
AO 223 Notice of Excuse Jury Forms
AO 224 Request for Excuse Jury Forms
AO 229S Supplemental Juror Information Jury Forms
AO 239 Application to Proceed in District Court Without Prepaying Fees or Costs (Long Form) Fee Waiver Application Forms
AO 240 Application to Proceed in District Court Without Prepaying Fees or Costs (Short Form) Fee Waiver Application Forms
AO 240A Order to Proceed Without Prepaying Fees or Costs Fee Waiver Application Forms
AO 241 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus Under 28 U.S.C. § 2254 Civil Forms
AO 242 Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus Under 28 U.S.C. § 2241 Civil Forms
AO 243 Motion to Vacate/Set Aside Sentence (Motion Under 28 U.S.C. § 2255) Civil Forms
AO 245B Judgment in a Criminal Case Criminal Judgment Forms
AO 245C Amended Judgment in Criminal Case Criminal Judgment Forms
AO 245D Judgment in a Criminal Case (for Revocation of Probation or Supervised Release) Criminal Judgment Forms
AO 245E Judgment in a Criminal Case (for Organizational Defendants) Criminal Judgment Forms
AO 245SOR Judgment in a Criminal Case (Statement of Reasons) Criminal Judgment Forms
AO 246 Probation Order Under 18 U.S.C. § 3607 Presentence and Probation Forms
AO 246A Order of Discharge and Dismissal Under 18 U. S. C. § 3607(a) Expungement and Benefit Reinstatement Forms
AO 246B Order for a Presentence Investigation and Report Presentence and Probation Forms
AO 247 Order Regarding Motion For Sentence Reduction Pursuant To 18 U.S.C. § 3582(C)(2) Criminal Forms
AO 248 Order on Motion for Sentence Reduction Under 18 U.S.C. § 3582(c)(1)(A) Criminal Forms
AO 249 Drug Offender’s Reinstatement of Federal Benefits Expungement and Benefit Reinstatement Forms
AO 250 Motion for Sentence Reduction Under 18 U.S.C. § 3582(c)(1)(A) Criminal Forms
AO 310 Complaint of Judicial Misconduct or Disability Other Forms
AO 320 Bankruptcy Notice Provider Application Other Forms
AO 390 Apostille (Convention de La Haye, 5 Octobre 1961) Other Forms
AO 391 Apostille Specimen Signature Card Other Forms
AO 392 Apostille Index Card Other Forms
AO 393 Statement of Effect Apostille Other Forms
AO 398 Notice of a Lawsuit and Request to Waive Service of a Summons Notice of Lawsuit, Summons, Subpoena
AO 399 Waiver of the Service of Summons Notice of Lawsuit, Summons, Subpoena
AO 425 Pre-Employment Information Human Resources Forms
AO 430 Case Information Record Other Forms
AO 431 Log of Proceedings Electronic Recorded Other Forms
AO 432 Witness and Exhibit Record Other Forms
AO 435 Transcript Order Other Forms
AO 436 Audio Recording Order Other Forms
AO 440 Summons in a Civil Action Notice of Lawsuit, Summons, Subpoena
AO 441 Summons on Third-Party Complaint Notice of Lawsuit, Summons, Subpoena
AO 442 Arrest Warrant Law Enforcement, Grand Jury, and Prosecution Forms
AO 443 Warrant for the Arrest of a Witness or Material Witness in a Pending Criminal Case Law Enforcement, Grand Jury, and Prosecution Forms
AO 444 Warrant for the Arrest of a Witness in a Grand Jury Proceeding (Under Seal) Criminal Forms
AO 445 Warrant for the Arrest of a Witness in a Civil Case Civil Forms
AO 447 List of Proceedings Electronically Recorded Other Forms
AO 450 Judgment in a Civil Case Civil Judgment Forms
AO 451 Clerk’s Certification of a Judgment to be Registered in Another District Civil Judgment Forms
AO 455 Waiver of an Indictment Defendant Consent and Waiver Forms
AO 458 Appearance of Counsel Attorney Forms
AO 466 Waiver of Rule 32.1 Hearing Defendant Consent and Waiver Forms
AO 466A Waiver of Rule 5 & 5.1 Hearings Defendant Consent and Waiver Forms
AO 467 Order Requiring a Defendant to Appear in the District Where Charges are Pending and Transferring Bail Pretrial Release and Appearance Bond Forms
AO 468 Waiver of a Preliminary Hearing Defendant Consent and Waiver Forms
AO 470 Order Scheduling a Detention Hearing Pretrial Detention Forms
AO 471 Order to Detain a Defendant Temporarily Under 18 U.S.C. § 3142(d) Pretrial Detention Forms
AO 472 Order of Detention Pending Trial Pretrial Detention Forms
AO 500 Taxation for Commuting in Government Leased Vehicle Other Forms
B 101 Voluntary Petition for Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy Individual Debtors
B 101A Initial Statement About an Eviction Judgment Against You (individuals) Individual Debtors
B 101B Statement About Payment of an Eviction Judgment Against You (individuals) Individual Debtors
B 103A Application for Individuals to Pay the Filing Fee in Installments Individual Debtors
B 103B Application to Have the Chapter 7 Filing Fee Waived Individual Debtors
B 104 For Individual Chapter 11 Cases: The List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims Against You Who Are Not Insiders Individual Debtors
B 105 Involuntary Petition Against an Individual Individual Debtors
B 106 Declaration Declaration About an Individual Debtor’s Schedules Individual Debtors
B 106 Summary A Summary of Your Assets and Liabilities and Certain Statistical Information (individuals) Individual Debtors
B 106A/B Schedule A/B: Property (individuals) Individual Debtors
B 106C Schedule C: The Property You Claim as Exempt (individuals) Individual Debtors
B 106D Schedule D: Creditors Who Hold Claims Secured By Property (individuals) Individual Debtors
B 106E/F Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims (individuals) Individual Debtors
B 106G Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases (individuals) Individual Debtors
B 106H Schedule H: Your Codebtors (individuals) Individual Debtors
B 106I Schedule I: Your Income (individuals) Individual Debtors
B 106J Schedule J: Your Expenses (individuals) Individual Debtors
B 106J-2 Schedule J-2: Expenses for Separate Household of Debtor 2 (individuals) Individual Debtors
B 107 Statement of Financial Affairs for Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy Individual Debtors
B 108 Statement of Intention for Individuals Filing Under Chapter 7 Individual Debtors
B 113 Chapter 13 Plan Individual Debtors
B 119 Bankruptcy Petition Preparer’s Notice, Declaration and Signature Individual Debtors
B 121 Your Statement About Your Social Security Numbers Individual Debtors
B 122A-1 Chapter 7 Statement of Your Current Monthly Income Means Test Forms
B 122A-1Supp Statement of Exemption from Presumption of Abuse Under §707(b)(2) Means Test Forms
B 122A-2 Chapter 7 Means Test Calculation Means Test Forms
B 122B Chapter 11 Statement of Your Current Monthly Income Means Test Forms
B 122C-1 Chapter 13 Statement of Your Current Monthly Income and Calculation of Commitment Period Means Test Forms
B 122C-2 Chapter 13 Calculation of Your Disposable Income Means Test Forms
B 201 Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy Non-Individual Debtors
B 201A Attachment to Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy Under Chapter 11 Non-Individual Debtors
B 202 Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury for Non-Individual Debtors Non-Individual Debtors
B 204 For Chapter 11 Cases: The List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims Against You Who Are Not Insiders (non-individuals) Non-Individual Debtors
B 205 Involuntary Petition Against a Non-Individual Non-Individual Debtors
B 206 Summary A Summary of Your Assets and Liabilities (non-individuals) Non-Individual Debtors
B 206A/B Schedule A/B: Property (non-individuals) Non-Individual Debtors
B 206D Schedule D: Creditors Who Have Claims Secured By Property (non-individuals) Non-Individual Debtors
B 206E/F Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims (non-individuals) Non-Individual Debtors
B 206G Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases (non-individuals) Non-Individual Debtors
B 206H Schedule H: Your Codebtors (non-individuals) Non-Individual Debtors
B 207 Statement of Financial Affairs for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy Non-Individual Debtors
B 309A Notice of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Case – No Proof of Claim Deadline (For Individuals or Joint Debtors) Meeting of Creditors Notices
B 309B Notice of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Case – Proof of Claim Deadline Set (For Individuals or Joint Debtors) Meeting of Creditors Notices
B 309C Notice of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Case – No Proof of Claim Deadline Set (For Corporations or Partnerships) Meeting of Creditors Notices
B 309D Notice of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Case – Proof of Claim Deadline Set (For Corporations or Partnerships) Meeting of Creditors Notices
B 309E1 Notice of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Case (For Individuals or Joint Debtors) Meeting of Creditors Notices
B 309E2 Notice of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Case (For Individuals or Joint Debtors under Subchapter V) Meeting of Creditors Notices
B 309F1 Notice of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Case (For Corporations or Partnerships) Meeting of Creditors Notices
B 309F2 Notice of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Case (For Corporations or Partnerships under Subchapter V) Meeting of Creditors Notices
B 309G Notice of Chapter 12 Bankruptcy Case (For Individuals or Joint Debtors) Meeting of Creditors Notices
B 309H Notice of Chapter 12 Bankruptcy Case (For Corporations or Partnerships) Meeting of Creditors Notices
B 309I Notice of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Case Meeting of Creditors Notices
B 312 Order and Notice for Hearing on Disclosure Statement Bankruptcy Forms
B 313 Order Approving Disclosure Statement and Fixing Time for Filing Acceptances or Rejections of Plan, Combined with Notice Thereof Bankruptcy Forms
B 314 Ballot for Accepting or Rejecting Plan Bankruptcy Forms
B 315 Order Confirming Plan Bankruptcy Forms
B 318 Discharge of Debtor in a Chapter 7 Case Bankruptcy Forms
B 401 Petition for Recognition of Foreign Proceeding Bankruptcy Forms
B 410 Proof Of Claim Bankruptcy Forms
B 410A Proof Of Claim, Attachment A Bankruptcy Forms
B 410S-1 Proof Of Claim, Supplement 1 Bankruptcy Forms
B 410S-2 Proof Of Claim, Supplement 2 Bankruptcy Forms
B 411A General Power of Attorney Bankruptcy Forms
B 411B Special Power of Attorney Bankruptcy Forms
B 416A Caption Bankruptcy Forms
B 416B Caption (Short Title) Bankruptcy Forms
B 416D Caption for Use in Adversary Proceeding other than for a Complaint Filed by a Debtor Bankruptcy Forms
B 417A Notice Of Appeal And Statement Of Election Appellate Forms
B 417B Optional Appellee Statement Of Election To Proceed In District Court Appellate Forms
B 417C Certificate of Compliance With Rule 8015(a)(7)(B) or 8016(d)(2) Appellate Forms
B 420A Notice of Motion or Objection Bankruptcy Forms
B 420B Notice of Objection to Claim Bankruptcy Forms
B 423 Certification About a Financial Management Course Bankruptcy Forms
B 424 Certification to Court of Appeals Appellate Forms
B 425A Plan of Reorganization for Small Business Under Chapter 11 Small Business Forms
B 425B Disclosure Statement for Small Business Under Chapter 11 Small Business Forms
B 425C Monthly Operating Report for Small Business Under Chapter 11 Small Business Forms
B 426 Periodic Report Regarding Value, Operations, and Profitability of Entities in Which the Debtor’s Estate Holds a Substantial or Controlling Interest Bankruptcy Forms
B 427 Cover Sheet for Reaffirmation Agreement Bankruptcy Forms
B 1040 Adversary Proceeding Cover Sheet Bankruptcy Forms
B 1130 Motion, Notice and Order for Adequate Protection Payments and Opportunity to Object Bankruptcy Forms
B 1310 Exemplification Certificate Bankruptcy Forms
B 1320 Application For Search of Bankruptcy Records Bankruptcy Forms
B 1330 Claims Register Bankruptcy Forms
B 1340 Application for Payment of Unclaimed Funds Bankruptcy Forms
B 2000 Required Lists, Schedules, Statements, and Fees Bankruptcy Forms
B 2010 Notice Required by 11 U.S.C. § 342(b) for Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy Bankruptcy Forms
B 2020 Statement of Military Service Bankruptcy Forms
B 2030 Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney For Debtor Bankruptcy Forms
B 2040 Notice of Need to File Proof of Claim Due to Recovery of Assets Bankruptcy Forms
B 2050 Notice to Creditors and Other Parties in Interest Bankruptcy Forms
B 2060 Certificate of Commencement of Case Bankruptcy Forms
B 2070 Certificate of Retention of Debtor in Possesion Bankruptcy Forms
B 2100A Transfer of Claim Other Than For Security Bankruptcy Forms
B 2100B Notice of Transfer of Claim Other Than for Security Bankruptcy Forms
B 2300A Order Confirming Chapter 12 Plan Bankruptcy Forms
B 2300B Order Confirming Chapter 13 Plan Bankruptcy Forms
B 2310A Order Fixing Time to Object to Proposed Modfication of Confirmed Chapter 12 Plan Bankruptcy Forms
B 2310B Order Fixing Time to Object to Proposed Modification of Confirmed Chapter 13 Plan Bankruptcy Forms
B 2400A Reaffirmation Documents Bankruptcy Forms
B 2400A/B ALT Reaffirmation Agreement Bankruptcy Forms
B 2400B Motion For Approval of Reaffirmation Agreement Bankruptcy Forms
B 2400C Order on Reaffirmation Agreement Bankruptcy Forms
B 2400C ALT Order on Reaffirmation Agreement (Alt.) Bankruptcy Forms
B 2500A Summons in an Adversary Proceeding Bankruptcy Forms
B 2500B Summons and Notice of Pretrial Conference in an Adversary Proceeding Bankruptcy Forms
B 2500C Summons and Notice of Trial in an Adversary Proceeding Bankruptcy Forms
B 2500D Third-Party Summons Bankruptcy Forms
B 2500E Summons to Debtor in Involuntary Case Bankruptcy Forms
B 2500F Summons in a Chapter 15 Case Seeking Recognition of a Foreign Nonmain Proceeding Bankruptcy Forms
B 2530 Order For Relief in an Involuntary Case Bankruptcy Forms
B 2540 Subpoena For Rule 2004 Examination Bankruptcy Forms
B 2550 Subpoena to Appear and Testify at a Hearing or Trial in a Bankruptcy Case (or Adversary Proceeding) Bankruptcy Forms
B 2560 Subpoena to Testify at a Deposition in a Bankruptcy Case (or Adversary Proceeding) Bankruptcy Forms
B 2570 Subpoena to Produce Documents, Information, or Objects or to Permit Inspection of Premises ina Bankruptcy Case (or Adversary Proceeding) Bankruptcy Forms
B 2600 Entry of Default Bankruptcy Forms
B 2610A Judgment by Default – Clerk Bankruptcy Forms
B 2610B Judgment by Default – Judge Bankruptcy Forms
B 2610C Judgment in an Adversary Proceeding Bankruptcy Forms
B 2620 Notice of Entry of Judgment Bankruptcy Forms
B 2630 Bill of Costs Bankruptcy Forms
B 2640 Writ of Execution to the United State Marshal Bankruptcy Forms
B 2650 Certification of Judgment for Registration in Another District Bankruptcy Forms
B 2700 Notice of Filing of Final Report of Trustee Bankruptcy Forms
B 2710 Final Decree Bankruptcy Forms
B 2800 Disclosure of Compensation of Bankruptcy Petition Preparer Bankruptcy Forms
B 2810 Appearance of Child Support Creditor or Representative Bankruptcy Forms
B 2830 Chapter 13 Debtor’s Certifications Regarding Domestic Support Obligations and Section 522(q) Bankruptcy Forms
B 3130S Order Conditionally Approving Disclosure Statement Bankruptcy Forms
B 3150S Order Approving Disclosure Statement and Confirming Plan Bankruptcy Forms
B 3180F Chapter 12 Discharge Bankruptcy Forms
B 3180FH Chapter 12 Hardship Discharge Bankruptcy Forms
B 3180RI Individual Chapter 11 Discharge Bankruptcy Forms
B 3180RV1 Chapter 11 Discharge for Individual Whose Plan was Confirmed under § 1191(a) Bankruptcy Forms
B 3180RV2 Chapter 11 Discharge for Individual Whose Plan was Confirmed under § 1191(b) Bankruptcy Forms
B 3180RV3 For Corporation or Partnership Whose Plan was Confirmed under § 1191(b) Bankruptcy Forms
B 3180W Chapter 13 Discharge Bankruptcy Forms
B 3180WH Chapter 13 Hardship Discharge Bankruptcy Forms
B 4100N Notice of Final Cure Payment Bankruptcy Forms
B 4100R Response to Notice of Final Cure Payment Bankruptcy Forms
B 4100S Supplemental Proof of Claim for CARES Forbearance Claim Bankruptcy Forms
B 4170 Declaration of Inmate Filing Bankruptcy Forms
CJA 7 Order Terminating Appointment of Counsel and/or Authorization for Distribution of Available Private Funds CJA Forms
CJA 19 Notice to Court-Appointed Counsel of Public Disclosure of Attorney Fee Information CJA Forms
CJA 20 Appointment of and Authority to Pay Court-Appointed Counsel Vouchers
CJA 21 Authorization and Voucher for Expert and Other Services Vouchers
CJA 22 Statement of Parolee or Mandatory Releasee Concerning Appointment of Counsel Under the Criminal Justice Act CJA Forms
CJA 23 Financial Affidavit CJA Forms
CJA 24 Authorization and Voucher for Payment of Transcript Vouchers
CJA 25 Notice to CJA Panel Attorney Regarding Availability of Investigative, Expert and Other Services CJA Forms
CJA 26 Statement for a Compensation Claim in Excess of the Statutory Case Compensation Maximum (District Court) Attorney Excess Compensation Claims
CJA 26A Guidance to Attorneys in Drafting the Memorandum for a Claim in Excess of the Case Compensation Maximum (District Court) Attorney Excess Compensation Claims
CJA 27 Compensation Claim in Excess of the Statutory Case Compensation Maximum (Court of Appeals) Attorney Excess Compensation Claims
CJA 27A Guidance to Attorneys in Drafting the Memorandum for a Claim in Excess of the Case Compensation Maximum (Court of Appeals) Attorney Excess Compensation Claims
CJA 28A Attorney Services Detailed Budget Worksheet for Non-capital Representations with the Potential for Extraordinary Cost Budgeting Worksheets
CJA 28B Attorney Services Summary Budget Worksheet for Non-capital Representations with the Potential for Extraordinary Cost Budgeting Worksheets
CJA 28C Investigative Services Detailed Budget Worksheet for Non-capital Representations with the Potential for Extraordinary Cost Budgeting Worksheets
CJA 28D Investigative Services Summary Budget Worksheet for Non-capital Representations with the Potential for Extraordinary Cost Budgeting Worksheets
CJA 28E Expert Services Detailed Budget Worksheet for Non-capital Representations with the Potential for Extraordinary Cost Budgeting Worksheets
CJA 28F Expert Services Summary Budget Worksheet for Non-capital Representations with the Potential for Extraordinary Cost Budgeting Worksheets
CJA 28G Other Services Detailed Budget Worksheet for Non-capital Representations with the Potential for Extraordinary Cost Budgeting Worksheets
CJA 28H Other Services Summary Budget Worksheet for Non-capital Representations with the Potential for Extraordinary Cost Budgeting Worksheets
CJA 30 Death Penalty Proceedings: Appointment of and Authority to Pay Court-Appointed Counsel Vouchers
CJA 31 Death Penalty Proceedings: Ex Parte Request for Authorization and Voucher for Expert and Other Services Vouchers
JS 44 Civil Cover Sheet Civil Forms
Pro Se 1 Complaint for a Civil Case Civil Pro Se Forms
Pro Se 2 Complaint and Request for Injunction Civil Pro Se Forms
Pro Se 3 Defendant’s Answer to the Complaint Civil Pro Se Forms
Pro Se 4 Complaint for a Civil Case Alleging Breach of Contract Civil Pro Se Forms
Pro Se 5 Complaint for a Civil Case Alleging Negligence Civil Pro Se Forms
Pro Se 6 Complaint for a Civil Case Alleging that the Defendant Owes the Plaintiff a Sum of Money Civil Pro Se Forms
Pro Se 7 Complaint for Employment Discrimination Civil Pro Se Forms
Pro Se 8 Complaint for Violations of Fair Labor Standards Civil Pro Se Forms
Pro Se 9 Complaint for Specific Performance or Damages Based on a Contract to Convey Real Property Civil Pro Se Forms
Pro Se 10 Complaint for the Conversion of Property Civil Pro Se Forms
Pro Se 11 Third Party Complaint Civil Pro Se Forms
Pro Se 12 Complaint for Interpleader and Declaratory Relief Civil Pro Se Forms
Pro Se 13 Complaint for Review of Social Security Decision Civil Pro Se Forms
Pro Se 14 Complaint for Violation of Civil Rights (Prisoner) Civil Pro Se Forms
Pro Se 15 Complaint for Violation of Civil Rights (Non-Prisoner) Civil Pro Se Forms
WT 1 Annual Prosecutor Summary of Wiretap Reports Other Forms
WT 2A Report of Application and/or Order Authorizing Interception of Communications (Federal) Other Forms
WT 2B Report of Application and/or Order Authorizing Interception of Communications (State/County/Local) Other Forms
WT 3 Supplementary Report for Wiretaps Reported in Previous Calendar Years Other Forms



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