Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

The fanatical force behind Greta Thunberg: opinion

The climate revolution is entering a new, dangerous stage

Greta Thunberg is an innocent face meant to attract masses to her cause, but behind her stands a dangerous revolutionary ideology of leftist environmentalism, an increasingly fanatical ideology that could end in global disaster.

Almost immediately declared as the icon and leader of environmentalists, Thunberg appeared with her hysteric speech at the opening of the UN Climate Summit and gained the support of global media in September 2019.

She made ecologic strikes against governments, condemned sluggish action towards environment protection and called for decarbonization. She was meant to be the face of the global environmental revolution.

It turned out that Greta could not handle spontaneous speeches, could not independently answer questions and came across as a person with a number of impairments, openly talking about her illness and struggle with depression, and autism. As the world focused her attention on her, it appears these psychological issues only intensified.

As the handlers seeking to exploit her grew around her, her vulnerability demonstrated that her actions were not entirely her own and that they had nothing to do with innocent teenage spontaneity.

The leftist ideologists have turned environmentalism into their own religion. They, who undermine the essence of humanity, negate human dignity and crush fundamental values, now only worship Mother Earth, who they say has priority over mankind.

This trend has expanded exponentially, and we can see it in advertisements, children’s shows, pop culture, and even in schools.

The climate revolution is entering a new stage. Just like in the case of the Cultural Revolution, the famed “long march through institutions” is being carried out, a march meant to change the mass line of thought and influence social structures.

The ideology of environmentalism has been pushed so deeply into current social-political trends, that any criticism of this twisted pathologically order will only be met with immediate hate.

Global trends are now being forced onto Poles, pushed by eco-ideologists, celebrities, journalists, and politicians, in an effort to change the mass consciousness.

The leftist ideologists have turned environmentalism into their own religion. They, who undermine the essence of humanity, negate human dignity and crush fundamental values, now only worship Mother Earth, who they say has priority over mankind.

If we do not undertake a factual and efficient debate concerning humanity’s place in the world, and do not restore the wider and more reasonable concept of environmentalism, then fanaticism will wipe out all opposed to an ideology that sees humanity as an obstalce that must be overcome.

Greta’s legacy of total ecologism

Konrad Kołodziejski writes
“that as we search for new sources of energy in a world demanding electricity, Greta Thunberg’s legacy is dangerous!”


The Swedish Lutheran church has already named Greta Thunberg the “heir of Jesus Christ” as she became the oracle concerning energy issues. Europe is not only shutting down coal energy plants, but also non-emission nuclear reactors.

And when the Union runs out of electricity, it will have to save itself with gas energy, powered by Russian fuel, because renewable energy sources will not satiate the growing demand for electricity.

The left’s recent ecological campaign with Thunberg at its head was a success. Photos and videos of the Swedish teen fighting for climate in the UN flooded the internet and media. Some loved her, she irritated others, but almost everyone was talking about climate for a few days.


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