Sat. Oct 26th, 2024

The Virtuous Woman Affirmation

Charm and grace are deceptive, and [superficial] beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the Lord [reverently worshiping, obeying, serving, and trusting Him with awe-filled respect], she shall be praised. 

— Proverbs 31:30 [AMP]

The virtuous woman affirmation contains a series of statements and bible verses for the ultimate woman, who refuses to be intimidated by her femininity, a woman who is bold, who trusts in the Lord and obeys Him. The ultimate virtuous woman fears nothing but the Lord. If you seek to be beautiful inside and out; then this one’s just for you.

This affirmation was adapted from one originally written by Lanre Olusola & TY Bello (bible verses have been added to guide your reading)

I am the ultimate virtuous woman,

I am clothed in strength and dignity; my position is strong and secure. (Proverbs 31:25)

I am beautiful, charming, gifted and bold. (2 Timothy 1:7, 1 John 2:20)

I am humble, compassionate, selfless, generous, kind and trustworthy. (Philippians 2:3, James 4:10, Proverbs 31:20, 26)

I have wisdom, discretion, discernment and understanding. (Proverbs 4:5-7, Proverbs 31:26, Proverbs 2:11)

I am a home builder and keeper. (Proverbs 31:15)

I provide help not hindrance (Proverbs 31:12)

I am ready for a great future, I have no fear of old age. (Proverbs 31:25)

I equip myself with spiritual, mental, and physical fitness for my God-given purpose (Proverbs 31:17)

I sense, identify and analyse all opportunities; I make the right choice always. (Proverbs 31:16)

I am enterprising, productive and prosperous. Everything I touch increases in value. (Proverbs 31:22, 24)

I listen to the Lord and excel in all I do; I live my dreams and ambitions purposefully. (Deuteronomy 28:13, Ruth 3:11, 2 Corinthians 8:7, Proverbs 31:10, Proverbs 31:29, Romans 8:28  )

I am content and satisfied. The Lord is my portion, He is my earthly and eternal inheritance. (Philippians 4:11, Hebrews 13:5, Psalm 47:4)

I flee youthful lusts, I pursue purity and live every moment in love and peace. (Titus 2:7, Ecclesiastes 9:8, 2 Timothy 2:22, Ecclesiastes 3:8, Philippians 4:8, Jude 1:2)

I see good in all things, I do good and not evil all the days of my life. (Amos 5:14, Proverbs 31:12)

I respect and honour myself, and therefore attract only respect and honour. (Proverbs 11:16, Proverbs 31:31)

I walk continually in love. I live to love and love to live, today, everyday and always. (Ephesians 5:2)

My price is far above rubies, I am the ultimate virtuous woman. (Proverbs 31:10, Proverbs 3:15)

In Jesus Name, Amen.


***Hope you enjoy this and find it useful. Please don’t forget to visit the Biblical Affirmations page to see more about the benefits of biblical affirmations as well as how to meditate upon and declare these affirmations throughout the day.***



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