Wed. Sep 4th, 2024

Category: Clearing Up Record

 Salinas v. Cruz; The 2nd Court of Appeals of California Reverses Restraining Order Because Cross-Examination Was Barred

Salinas v. Cruz; The 2nd Court of Appeals of California Reverses Restraining Order Because Cross-Examination Was Barred The Court of Appeal for this district yesterday reversed a domestic violence restraining…

Right to Record Government Officials Engaged in the Exercise of their Official Duties

Right to Record Government Officials Engaged in the Exercise of their Official Duties Right to record government officials in public A growing consensus of courts have recognized a constitutional right…

Epic SCOTUS Decisions

Epic SCOTUS Decisions To learn more about the awesome new ruling that allows for going after a tyrant government office or government officer read below 2022 ruling!!!! 20-659 Thompson v.…

Prosecutorial Investigations

Prosecutorial Investigations Standards on Prosecutorial Investigations (Full Text) ABA Standards for Criminal Justice: Prosecutorial Investigations Approved February 2008 Preamble A prosecutor’s investigative role, responsibilities and potential liability are different from…

Lying Cops – PC 129 Penal Code – Preparing False Statement or Report Under Oath

Lying Cop or Citizen – PC 129 – Preparing False Statement or Report Under Oath Preparing False Statement or Report Under Oath Penal Code Section 129 is part of the…

PC 236 Penal Code – False Imprisonment

Penal Code § 236 PC – False Imprisonment – California Law California Penal Code § 236 PC defines the crime of “false imprisonment” as unlawfully restraining, detaining, or confining a…

Counterman v. Colorado – Supreme Court sets higher bar for prosecuting threats under First Amendment

Counterman v. Colorado – Supreme Court sets higher bar for prosecuting threats under First Amendment justices raising the bar for establishing when a statement is a “true threat” not protected…

Making Annoying Phone Calls – California Penal Code 653m

Making Annoying Phone Calls – California Penal Code 653m Making annoying phone calls in described under California Penal Code Section 653m. This statute makes it a crime to make repeated…

California Senate Bill 16 (SB 16) – 2023-2024 – Peace officers: Release of Records

California Legislature Passes Senate Bill 16; Expanding Peace Officer Records Accessible to the Public California Senate Bill 16 (SB 16) 2023 – 2024 – Release of Records – Police officers…

What Is Traversing a Warrant (a Franks Motion)?

WHAT IS A FRANKS MOTION AND HEARING IN CALIFORNIA? Brief Synopsis: To have the judge in a case order the production of the affidavit used to secure a search warrant,…

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