Mon. Mar 24th, 2025

Oscar Fish Diseases and Treatments



There are five diseases that strike Oscar fish frequently and are easy to recognize, including hole in the head disease, ich, fin and tail rot, popeye disease, and bloat. Learn how to spot a sick Oscar fish and determine which treatment it needs.

The Oscar fish comes up as a hardy species, but that doesn’t say much. It’s true that the fish can accommodate to water parameter changes, so long as they’re not too abrupt, frequent, or massive. However, long-term, the Oscar requires a stable environment with healthy water parameters to avoid health problems along the way.

The Oscar will typically live 10-15 or even 20 years in an adequate environment with stable and safe water parameters. As the conditions change, so will your Oscar’s metabolism and reaction to them. However hardy the Oscar is, it will also face a variety of health problems stemming from environmental conditions, genetic faults, deficient diet, stress, and other causes.

Most of these health problems are deadly when left untreated, so early treatment is vital to ensure fast recovery. That being said, let’s have a look at Oscar’s most common health problems and assess the treatment options available.

1. Hole in The Head

This disorder is specific to certain fish species, including Oscars, Surgeonfish, Tangs, and others. The interesting, and dangerous aspect about it, is that there’s no clear trigger. In many cases, the culprit is the parasitoid organism called Hexamitid spp. Hence, the Hole in the Head disease is also known as Hexamitiasis.

An interesting aspect about this parasite is that it’s pretty much omnipresent in most aquarium fish. The microorganism lives in the fish’s intestines and is generally harmless, as the fish’s immune system and internal processes keep it under control. The problem arises when the fish’s immune system drops, and the parasite can multiply and spread to other organs.

The hole-in-the-head appearance is an indicator of a generalized infection, causing the parasite to reach the facial epidermis and damage the surrounding tissue. This can lead to open wounds, which can serve as entry points for other viruses and bacteria, triggering additional infections as a result.

Hole in the Head Symptoms

  • White and stringy feces in the first phase of the disease
  • The fish will lose some of its coloring
  • Reduce or loss of appetite
  • An emaciated (weakened) look as the fish doesn’t eat properly and starts losing weight
  • Head lesions on the side and between the eyes, which may also appear on the fish’s flanks

How to Treat Hole in the Head?

While the Hexamitid parasite is the organism responsible for the disease, this is not the triggering factor but the aggravating one. The triggering factors are multiple and include poor nutrition, inadequate water conditions, and even fish stress. So, the treatment should consist of addressing these causes first.

The measures to take during the treatment process include:

  • Quarantine the Oscar in a separate tank – This isn’t to protect other fish from the disease, provided the Oscar doesn’t live alone since the hole-in-the-head disease isn’t contagious. The measure is more necessary to better control water parameters, and in case you need to use antibiotics, which could affect the main tank’s fauna and flora.
  • Monitoring water conditions carefully – If necessary, you may need to change some of the Oscar’s water daily during the treatment. Temperature, pH, ammonia and nitrites, and water clarity need to be monitored and addressed 24/7. The cleaner and safer the water conditions are, the more comfortable your Oscar will be, allowing its immune system to recover faster.
  • Proper diet – The Oscar requires a balanced diet to reset its immune system and strengthen its body. Make sure you provide your Oscar with a well-designed diet including meaty foods, both fresh and frozen, and veggies and plant-based nutrients, including seaweed and broccoli, preferably steamed.
  • Using adequate medication – Metronidazole is a common antibiotic used for addressing Hexamita infections, but you should also discuss with a professional before using it. If the Oscar also displays secondary infections, I recommend relying on antibiotics like Furan or Kanacyn, depending on which delivers the best results.

The Oscar will be safe to relocate into the main tank once the skin lesions are gone, and the fish shows signs of recovery.

How to Prevent Hole in the Head?

Understanding the disorder’s mechanism will inform you of the necessary prevention measures to adopt. As I’ve explained, the Hexamitis parasite may already be present in your Oscar’s system; it is just that it cannot multiply. The fish’s immune system prevents it from taking over and moving to other organs, causing tissue damages and triggering the disorder.

So, the prevention system needs to include:

  • Keeping the water clean with stable parameters
  • Preventing temperature fluctuations
  • Monitor water conditions to prevent ammonia and nitrite buildup
  • Provide Oscar with a well-rounded and healthy diet
  • Provide the Oscar with a natural-looking environment to increase its comfort and safety
  • Provide the Oscar with occasional entertainment to keep healthy and happy


2. Ich Disease

This condition is widespread in the aquarium world, affecting fish of all species and sizes. The disease is also called White Spots due to how the victim’s skin looks in late-stage infection. The parasite responsible for triggering the condition is called Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, a name that explains pretty well why we use Ich instead.

To understand how to counter the disorder, you must first learn how it functions. The Ich parasite has 4 life phases:

  • Tomont – This is the mature parasite exiting the fish after the infection stage has reached its limit. At this point, the fish usually dies since the parasite has been causing skin damages and secondary infections in the process. The tomont will swim in the tank and look for a hard surface to latch onto. Tomonts prefer the tank’s bottom since it provides them with more secluded areas to proceed to the next phase.
  • Tomite – The tomonts will form a cyst and begin to divide, forming hundreds or even thousands of micro-parasites called tomites. These will burst out into the tank water once their number exceeds the cyst’s ability to hold them.
  • Theronts – Once free, the tomites will soon grow, transforming into theronts, which bear all the parasitoid features that allow them to latch onto a fish and penetrate its skin. These include powerful cilia, propelling the organism through their environment, and the penetrating gland used to infect the host.
  • Trophonts – The trophonts are theronts that have successfully infected a host. They will feed on the fish’s tissue as their own host’s mucus and epithelium protects them from outside chemicals. At this stage, trophonts are nearly invincible since they are only vulnerable to chemicals penetrating the fish’s skin, but these will also likely affect the fish.

The parasite’s life cycle paints a grim picture, leading to a simple and clear observation – Ich is highly contagious, with one infected fish capable of spreading the parasite to the entire tank. It’s also worthy of mentioning that Ich is deadly and can kill the infected fish fast.

So, early diagnosis and rapid treatment are key to countering Ich and protecting the fish population.

Ich Symptoms

There are ways to diagnose Ich in the first phases, but it’s rather difficult, since the symptoms are common to several other conditions. It’s only when the trademark white spots appear on the skin that you can be certain of the culprit. And, by that time, the infection is already advanced.

The difficulty of the diagnosis is what makes this condition so dangerous, to begin with. But there are other symptoms to consider as well. These include:

  • Abnormal hiding behavior – Most fish species won’t go into hiding without a good reason. The problem becomes even more obvious if the fish tends to hide constantly without any apparent reason.
  • Loss of appetite – Your fish might eat less or even refuse food altogether. This is atypical for healthy Oscars, especially if they’ve had a balanced appetite up to that point.
  • Rubbing against the environment – The infected fish may experience skin itching before the white spots appear. So, you might see your Oscar intentionally rubbing against plants and other tank decorations in an attempt to find a relief. This isn’t necessarily a warning sign, except if the behavior repeats regularly.

How to Treat Ich?

The treatment has a lot to do with the parasite’s life cycle. Here are the essential steps to consider:

  • Quarantine the Oscar – This is a necessary step if your Oscar has other tank mates which you want to protect. Placing the Oscar in a treatment tank may contain the Ich parasite, although unlikely. At least, it allows you to treat the condition in a clean and stable environment since the main tank may already contain numerous developing cysts. Removing the fish from the tank for several days will also clean the tank of the parasite naturally. The Ich organism cannot survive without a host more than 2-3 days.
  • Increase the tank’s temperature – This is a good strategy to accelerate the parasite’s life cycle in the main tank once you’ve removed all the fish. It’s also a good approach for the treatment tank, forcing the parasite to leave the host sooner.
  • Use aquarium salt – Aquarium salt increases the water’s oxygenation and forces the parasite to exit the host. Make sure your Oscar isn’t too sensitive to aquarium salt. I recommend using 1 tsp per water gallon, unless your Oscar can accept more.
  • Use medication – The type and quantity of medication to use varies drastically from one case to another. Some available treatments include potassium permanganate, copper sulfate, or formalin, which consists of 37% formaldehyde and 6 to 15% methanol.

Your Oscar should also receive an adequate diet during the treatment to naturally boost its immune system to fight the parasite. You may also need to perform daily water changes and monitor water parameters to make sure you prevent harmful chemical buildup. Your Oscar should recover soon with adequate care and medical assistance. Expect the treatment to last at least 2 weeks.

I recommend speaking to a professional when using any of the treatment options I’ve suggested. The expert will be able to inform you on the best course of action to ensure optimal treatment and prevent any complications along the way. I don’t want you to blame me in case your Oscar dies during the treatment.

How to Prevent Ich?

The interesting aspect here is that Ich is sometimes present in the tank without you even knowing about it. And without affecting your fish one bit. The parasite cannot infect a healthy and strong host with a solid immune system. Keeping the water clean and stable will also disrupt the parasite’s life cycle, preventing its spread.

So, naturally, the prevention system refers to providing the Oscar with all the necessary conditions to thrive. Keep the water temperature stable between 74 and 82 F, offer a well-rounded diet, keep the ammonia and nitrites to 0, and ensure parameter stability. Oscars are also kind of messy, so you should clean their habitat regularly to remove excess food, fish waste, and any other organic matter that could decompose in the water.


Ich is a very common disease problem for all aquarium fish, including Oscars. It is caused by Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, a protozoan parasite. According to veterinarian Dr. Jessie Sanders, the organism causing ich has a complex life cycle and can reproduce rapidly, leading to a sudden onset of disease. The development of the parasite occurs more quickly in warmer water, and fish who have weakened immune systems due to stress or disease are more susceptible. It is most commonly brought into an aquarium by the addition of new fish, live plants, or live food items.

Symptoms of Ich in Oscars

Some symptoms of ich include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Reddening of the fins
  • White spots on the skin or gills
  • Sitting on the bottom of the tank
  • Flashing, a behavior in which fish rub their bodies on objects in the tank
  • Increased gill movements

Treating Oscars With Ich

Ich is usually fatal if not promptly treated. Dr. Margaret A. Wissman, DVM, DABVP suggests that several treatment options are available, with a variety of protocols and dosing regimens. The following products can be used under the guidance of a professional:

  • Salt (non-iodized table salt, Kosher salt, sea salt, or aquarium salt)
  • Formaldehyde (formalin)
  • Malachite green
  • Victoria green and acriflavin
  • Copper sulfate

It can be helpful to increase the water temperature while you are treating your Oscar fish. The higher temperature will speed up the life cycle of the ich parasite and will decrease the time required for treatment. However, never exceed the recommended temperature range for Oscars, which is between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Some medications used to treat ich are toxic to invertebrates or to live plants. Read the label directions carefully or consult with your veterinarian about specific doses, or any special considerations for your aquarium. Some fish with ich will also suffer from secondary bacterial infections and may need an antibiotic.


3. Fin Rot

Fin and tail rot are common conditions among aquarium fish, especially linked to poor water conditions. The disorder is mostly visible in fish coming from fish shops since they’re usually kept in miserable conditions for longer periods of time. But it can also appear in home-kept tank fish, including Oscars.

The symptom of rotting fins and tail is usually telling of 2 different conditions. One of them is caused by a fungal infection, while the other involves the Pseudomonas fluorescens bacteria. The latter microorganism is quite resilient and it breathes nitrate instead of oxygen, for a simplified quick fact.

An interesting aspect about fin rot is that it also affects humans, especially ones with compromised immune systems. The same happens in fish, as P. fluorescens affects primarily immune-compromised victims, which is pretty telling of the agent’s biology. In essence, it turns out that this bacterium is present even in systems where there are no sick fish. In those cases, the fish’s immune system is strong enough to repel the organism and protect the fish against any potential infection.

Fin Rot Symptoms

Fin rot’s symptoms will differ depending on the disorder’s progression and how resilient the host is. Some infection signs to consider include:

  • Changes in appetite – You can’t really diagnose fin rot based on this sign alone since the lack of appetite could signify a variety of potential problems. But it’s pretty telling in the sense of suggesting a health problem since Oscars usually have healthy appetites.
  • Lethargy and lack of interest – The Oscar will appear more absent, swimming erratically around the tank and displaying low levels of energy. It may also swim to the water surface more often than usual.
  • Changes in fin and tail appearance – This is the clearest indicator that your Oscar has developed fin rot. The fish will display darkened edges around the fins and tail, usually brown or black, or even white in some cases. The edges may also change shape, depending on the cause of the infection. If it’s fungal, the fin edges will rot away evenly, as if sliced with a scalpel. If it’s P. fluorescens, the margins will be more rugged. At this point, you should also spot inflammation at the base of the fins and even pieces of tissue falling off.

If your fish’s fins appear to break down, the disease is already advanced and immediate treatment is necessary.

How to Treat Fin Rot?

The treatment pretty much depends on the disorder’s progression and your specific situation, as such:

  • Quarantine – It’s only necessary if the Oscar lives in a community tank with other tank mates. Quarantining the Oscar will prevent the disorder’s spreading to other aquarium inhabitants. If the Oscar lives alone, you don’t need to quarantine it.
  • Immediate water change and substrate vacuuming – Fin rot accelerates faster in dirty water conditions. I recommend changing 25% of Oscar’s water immediately and vacuuming the substrate to remove any fish waste, decaying organic matter, and food residues from the environment.
  • Saltwater – Saltwater is necessary to sterilize the environment and kill off any harmful organisms that could accelerate the condition’s severity and spread. Make sure to add the right amount of salt to prevent your Oscar from developing an unwanted reaction to it.
  • Antibiotics – Antibiotics are ideal for countering fungal and bacterial infections, especially secondary ones linked to fin rot. The problem is that chemicals like oxytetracycline, tetracycline, or chloramphenicol kill bacterial organisms indiscriminately, no matter whether harmful or beneficial. So, the use of antibiotics could disrupt your tank’s biofilm, which is why relying on a treatment tank would be a better option.

In essence, fin rot is treatable when discovered in its early phases. The good news is that Oscars can regenerate fin and tail tissue so long as the infection doesn’t reach the fish’s fleshy tissue. At that point, surgical intervention may be necessary to cut away the infected portion, and your Oscar won’t be able to regenerate that. But, at least, it will save its life.

How to Prevent Fin Rot?

Preventing fin rot is synonymous to keeping the tank water in peak conditions. Weekly water changes, regular substrate vacuuming, and tank cleanup, and continuous monitoring of water parameters are all essential prevention strategies. Oscars are quite sensitive to environmental changes and won’t react too well to deteriorating water conditions.

Keep their habitat healthy and clean and provide them with a balanced and nutritious diet, and they will be safe from fin rot. A strong and stable immune system will protect them against a variety of conditions, fin and tail rot included.

Fin and tail rot is caused by a bacterial infection. There are mixed reports of which bacterial species causes this disease. Some possible bacteria include Flavobacterium columnaraeCytophaga spp., Aeromonas spp., Pseudomonas spp., or Flexibacter spp. Like HITH, this disease is more common when fish are stressed by poor environmental factors such as overcrowding, low oxygen levels, or poor water quality. The infection can also occur in tissue that is first damaged by wounds or abrasions.

Symptoms of Fin and Tail Rot in Oscars

According to, some symptoms of fin and tail rot include:

  • Tattered, bloody, or blackened fins
  • Portions of the fin may fall off
  • Listlessness or lethargy
  • Spending more time at the surface
  • Loss of appetite
  • A slimy or milky appearance to the fins or body

Treating Oscars With Fin and Tail Rot

Treatment of fin and tail rot will usually require antibiotics. According to Dr. Erik Johnson, fish that are severely affected may require surgery to remove the worst of the infected tissue. There is some chance that the fins will regrow, usually with minor cases of fin and tail rot. Make sure to test for and correct any stressful factors that have contributed to your fish’s illness.

According to, some antibiotics available over-the-counter that can be used for this disease include:

  • Chloramphenicol
  • Tetracycline
  • Oxytetracycline

Perform a 20 to 30 percent water change prior to treatment. It is also helpful to add aquarium salt to the water according to the package directions. This problem can be prevented by providing fish with adequate space and hiding places such as rocks and plants, confirming the tank is not overcrowded, and by testing your tank’s water to ensure that it is healthy for your fish.


4. Popeye Disease (Exophthalmia)

Popeye disease has many causes, including fungi, parasites, bacteria, injuries, etc. In some cases, some conditions may resemble Popeye disease, including the infections resulting from pokes and injuries. These can get infected, causing the victim to display Popeye disease-specific symptoms.

Generally speaking, the condition is rather difficult to diagnose, which is why the treatment depends on the symptoms. This is another way of saying you will address the symptoms rather than the causes since its causes are not always possible to determine.

Popeye Disease Symptoms

The disorder’s symptoms will become obvious almost immediately, depending on the causes. The Oscar will display bulgy and protruding eyes that will grow in size, sometimes alarmingly fast, as days pass. You may even see discoloration, blood, or even milky substances in the fish’s eyeball, depending on the disorder’s causes and severity.

In more advanced cases, the Oscar may experience a ruptured eyeball and secondary infections that may put its life at risk. It’s not uncommon for Oscars and other fish dealing with Popeye disease to lose one or both of their eyes. Fortunately, this isn’t necessarily fatal, as the sick fish can live without eyes, provided they receive optimal care.

How to Treat Popeye Disease?

The treatment of the Popeye disease depends on the underlying causes. Here are some useful tactics to employ to help your sick Oscar:

  • Remove sharp or rugged tank decorations – This is a useful method of securing your Oscar’s environment to prevent further complications. The Oscar’s inflamed eyes will be more prone to accidents by rubbing against solid and rugged surfaces.
  • Using antibiotics – This is a necessary treatment procedure if you believe your Oscar may have developed fungal or bacterial infections. Which is rather common in victims of Popeye disease due to their weaker immune systems and localized tissue lesions. In this case, I suggest relocating the Oscar to a treatment tank to prevent the antibiotics from affecting the main tank’s biofilm.
  • Address the Oscar’s environmental conditions – Change the Oscar’s water more frequently, preferably once per day, no more than 20% each time. You should also monitor ammonia and nitrites, vacuum the substrate, and clean the tank however often necessary. These measures are necessary to prevent further bacterial infections.

How to Prevent Popeye Disease?

The real issue here is that there’s no fail-proof way of preventing Popeye disease, especially since there are so many potential causes. That being said, here are some measures that will minimize the disorder’s impact and prevent future issues:

  • Avoid aggressive tank mates – Oscars aren’t really fit for community tanks. Keeping them with aggressive tank mates could result in injuries prone to infections. This is a common cause for Popeye disease, which is easily avoidable, especially when considering that Oscars can live alone just fine.
  • Remove sharp and dangerous tank decorations – Oscars tend to move a lot around their environment since they’re naturally inquisitive and curious. Rocks and woody decorations with sharp edges may hurt them, causing open eye wounds prone to infections. Removing these from the tank will make your Oscar’s habitat safer and more comfortable.
  • Ensure optimal water conditions – Your Oscar will remain healthier long-term in a clean and stable habitat. Changing the water regularly, providing a balanced and nutritious diet, and cleaning the tank will prevent dangerous accumulations of bacteria and parasites that could infect your Oscar.

Popeye disease is a description of a symptom that is difficult to confuse with any other problem in your pet Oscar. Popeye disease, sometimes referred to as exophthalmia, is caused by chronically poor water conditions, and is most commonly characterized by painful bulging of the eyes.

Symptoms of Popeye Disease

The symptoms of popeye disease include:

  • A swollen or bulging eye
  • A cloudy appearance to the eye
  • One or both eyes can be affected

Treating Oscars With Popeye Disease

This problem has three components, which all need to be addressed when treating popeye disease:

  1. Damage to the cornea (the clear outer surface of the eye)
  2. Fluid build-up behind the eyeball
  3. Secondary bacterial infection

Treatment of popeye disease can be difficult. According to Aquarium Source, the following steps are needed:

  1. Correct any water quality issues and perform a water change
  2. If you suspect that your fish was injured by another fish, separate it
  3. Use an antibiotic product (available over-the-counter) and follow the label directions
  4. Optionally, add aquarium salt made for use in freshwater systems at a rate of 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons of water

Even if the treatment is successful in saving the fish, some Oscars will lose the affected eye if the damage was too severe. Most fish can adapt to being blind in one eye, but if your pet is blind in both eyes, you will have to pay close attention to make sure that your fish is feeding adequately.

5. Dropsy

Dropsy is also known as the fish bloat disease due to one of its trademark symptoms, the belly bloat. In essence, just like Popeye disease, dropsy isn’t really a disease but rather a label we put on various symptoms. There are many issues that lead to dropsy, including liver dysfunctions, parasitic and bacterial infections, poor water conditions, inadequate diets, and even genetic faults.

It’s also worthy of mentioning that the degree of recovery rests on the disorder’s causes. Some fish may recover in full, others may die, depending on their overall health status and how severe the condition is.

To pinpoint the most common culprit, we should consider the Aeromonas bacteria since this organism is to blame for most dropsy instances. This pathogen is responsible for infecting immunocompromised hosts, which is another way of saying that the disorder’s causes are mostly environmental.

Dropsy Symptoms

The condition may display a variety of symptoms, depending on dropsy’s triggering factors. These include:

  • Pale gills
  • Pale and stringy feces
  • Body ulcers on the flanks
  • Unnaturally swollen abdomen
  • Bulgy eyes
  • Swollen and inflamed anus
  • Curved spine
  • Lack of appetite and refusal to eat over longer periods of time
  • Low levels of energy, etc.

It’s important to note that the victim won’t display all these symptoms at once. Some will display multiple, while others will only experience one or two of the bunch, with other signs to manifest along the way.

How to Treat Dropsy?

The treatment’s layout and nature depend on the disorder’s underlying triggers. Generally speaking, you should consider the following steps:

  • Quarantine the Oscar – This is necessary until you learn the disease’s causes. Make sure you optimize the water conditions in the treatment tank to prevent temperature shock and ease your Oscar’s transition.
  • Antibiotics – The use of antibiotics may be necessary if the condition is bacteria or parasitic in nature. You should always consult with your fish care professional before using any medication.
  • Maintain optimal water conditions – This is a must since it provides your Oscar with optimal environmental conditions to fight the disorder more effectively. You should also provide the fish with a well-balanced diet during this time for the same reasons.

If your Oscar shows signs of dropsy, expect the worst. Quarantine the fish immediately and begin the treatment, but consider the possibility that your Oscar may not recover. It all depends on the disorder’s causes and how severe it is.

How to Prevent Dropsy?

The prevention process is pretty easy to follow since it mostly refers to providing your Oscar with a balanced and healthy lifestyle. We’re talking about cleaning its habitat regularly, providing a nutritious diet, and performing weekly water changes or as often as necessary.

Doing so will eliminate most of the causes for dropsy, at least the ones linked to your Oscar’s lifestyle.


The Oscar is generally a hardy fish that can live up to 20 years in captivity, given adequate care and love. As you’ve probably observed, most, if not all, of these disorders are often the direct result of improper tank conditions. Overfeeding, overcrowding, high ammonia, nitrites, algae overgrowth, dirty waters, all these issues will cause various problems along the way.

The most noticeable one is fish stress, lowering your Oscar’s immune system and opening the door for a multitude of health issues. Keep your Oscar happy in a balanced and clean habitat, and these problems will cease to exist.

Bloat is a serious condition in Oscar fish and can be caused by a variety of underlying problems. It is more of a symptom of disease rather than a single disease by itself. One underlying cause of bloat that is particularly common in Oscars is overfeeding, which can lead to constipation.

Symptoms of Bloat or Dropsy

According to aquarium enthusiast Melody McKinnon, you can see several symptoms when a fish is constipated:

  • Erratic and uncontrolled swimming
  • Lack of bowel movements
  • Hard feces trailing from the fish
  • A bloated appearance

Treating Oscars With Bloat

Constipation can be treated by withholding food, performing a water change, and increasing the water temperature by one to two degrees. Feed small pieces of peeled, softened, slightly cooked or canned peas. If your fish does not improve, your fish may have dropsy, which is much more serious. According to, symptoms of dropsy can include:

  • A soft or firm swelling in the abdomen
  • A bloated appearance
  • A raised appearance to the scales
  • Popeye disease
  • Loss of appetite
  • Irregular or erratic swimming

These symptoms can occur with a variety of medical problems, including organ damage, tumors, severe constipation, or an intestinal blockage. At-home treatment of dropsy is often unsuccessful, and many fish with these symptoms will die. Consult with your local veterinarian to see if anything can be done for your fish.

Disease Prevention Tips for Oscars

There’s a common theme when preventing most of these Oscar fish diseases: keeping the aquarium water clean. You can follow these steps to help ensure a healthy aquarium:

  • Test the tank water frequently and make sure levels of ammonia and nitrates are within acceptable limits.
  • Install a thermometer in your tank and keep water temperatures at optimal levels.
  • Quarantine new fish for at least two weeks (ideally four to six weeks) to make sure they aren’t sick or carrying parasites. New fish can introduce diseases into even the cleanest aquarium environments.
  • Change filter pads and materials frequently following manufacturer’s directions.
  • Always provide adequate tank space for your Oscar fish and do not overcrowd fish.
  • Buy new fish from pet stores with healthy fish. Never buy fish from a tank with cloudy, dirty water or visibly sick fish, even if the fish you want to buy looks healthy.
  • Treat your fish as soon as they get sick, and separate sick fish from healthy ones by placing them in a separate tank if possible.

Happy and Healthy Oscar Fish

Oscars are friendly and interesting fish. With careful attention to their water and food needs, you can prevent most of these diseases. If your Oscar ever does become sick, quick recognition of the common signs of these ailments can help you implement treatment promptly and get your fish on the mend.

source is from Our Favorite Family Owned Online Fish Site 

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