Mon. Feb 17th, 2025

How to Survive World War 3 – WW3 – Remember, No One Is Coming to Save Us

We previously wrote this article in response to the rising tensions between US and Middle East back in early 2020. We are now revisiting this article to discuss the ever present possibility of WW3 as the Russia-Ukraine crisis transitions to a full blown invasion. It seems as if these global tensions are becoming more prevalent. This fact leads us to reiterate the need to prepare for catastrophe. By the time you NEED protection, it is likely too late. So, it’s time to revisit prepping for “Doomsday” once again.  Doomsday preppers are far and wide for good reason; each day another conflict appears to arise around the globe.And unfortunately, WW3 will most likely come at a nuclear cost.  So, what are some essentials you need to survive a potential WW3 and nuclear blast breakout?  We broke it down into 4 sections – how to prep for nuclear war, what you need in your survival kits, how to survive a nuclear blast, and what to do after a nuclear attack.

And remember to get your gear today BEFORE a blast occurs.  Better to be safe than sorry.


A nuclear blast can and will be devastating.  The doom and gloom is why a lot of people don’t prepare for it.  However, in today’s climate, we have enough advancements in technology to start anew, should we ever come under attack.  But you must be prepared for worse.  Three things to look into TODAY:

  • Start preparing your emergency survival kit.  Now there are tons of stuff you can hoard for a bad day.  This may include non-parishable goods, water, battery powered radio, secluded energy source, flashlights, batteries, etc.  See our next section to get an in depth look at what you may need and where to buy them,
  • Locate a safe place to stay during the blast and to store your goods. Now this is going to be more difficult than the first one.  See if your community has designated fall-out shelters. Identify these and look into getting on a “list” to make sure you can go there in case of an attack.  This website has great insights into finding shelters near you  If there are none, next best option are windowless structures and basements / cellars.
  • Create an Emergency Plan with your loved ones. Make sure everyone is aware of where each of you will be and where to meet up after a nuclear event.  Sometimes not knowing if your family is OK is worse than enduring the event yourself.  Strategize and figure out each person’s nearest shelter to their home, local grocery store, work, or school.  Keep the plan with your emergency supplies and update often (1 to 3 months).


Now you got your plan, let’s get you your supplies.  There are a lot of things you could get, and here is a general list.  Luckily, most of this stuff can be purchased online (and found on Amazon).  Attached are links to some of the goods on Amazon.  Links will open up in a new window on Amazon (affiliate links may apply, where we get a small commission if you click the link and purchase).


    • A Gas mask or Respirator rated to NBC or CBRN standards.
      A good mask will create a solid seal around your face to ensure the quality of the air you breathe. A NBC rating is sufficient for nuclear fallout but a CBRN rating ensures the mask’s face seal is made of Butyl Rubber which can withstand highly acidic chemicals like mustard gas if the fallout area becomes an all out war zone. (SGE400/3BB CBRN)
      SGE 400/3 BB CBRN
    • Gas mask filters rated to NBC or CBRN standards. While a gas mask ensures your eyes, nose, and mouth are sealed off from the outside environment, it is the filter that ensures non contaminated air is entering the mask. Using non NBC or CBRN filters during a nuclear fallout is a requirement to ensure your protection. The rating you are looking for with these filters will include all of the following, A2B2E2K2P3 R D. The letters indicate chemicals filtered while the numbers indicate filtration density, or time time it takes to saturate then replace the filter with chemicals during use. Depending on the level of radioactive particles in the environment a quality filter can last from 30 minutes to a few days before it needs to be replaced. (CBRN Filter)


  • Iodine is an effective treatment for radiation exposure. Iodine, ((KI) potassium iodide) is a salt of stable (not radioactive) iodine that can help block radioactive iodine from being absorbed by the thyroid gland, thus protecting this gland from radiation injury. The thyroid gland is the part of the body that is most sensitive to radioactive iodine.
  • Depending on your age, weight, and exposure level you will need to take different dosages of KI to protect yourself. See the chart below for a better idea of how much you need to have stocked.
    Age Group KI Dosage Number of 130mg Tablets

    Adults over 18/yr old

    130mg  1

    Over 12-18/yr and over 150lb

    130mg 1

    Over 12-18/yr and under 150lb

    65mg 1/2
    Over 3-12/yr 65mg 1/2

  • Water filters for when clean water is no longer available
  • NBC masks for filtering out nuclear fallout
  • Potassium iodide (KI) is a type of iodine that is not radioactive and can be used to help block one type of radioactive material
  • 5 gallons of water per person per week (4 week minimum suggested)
  • vegetable seeds
  • Canned goods (stews, fruit, tuna, meats, etc)
  • freeze dried goods (stews, fruit, tuna, meats, etc)
  • Ready-to-eat foods (granola, cheese, protein bars, etc)
  • Medical kits (shop now on Amazon at
  • Multi-vitamins (shop now on Amazon at
  • Hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, painkillers
  • Dried milk
  • A manual can opener
  • Sanitary napkins and diapers, if needed
  • Flashlights (ideally LED) and portable radios, if you don’t already have them
  • Plenty more batteries, at least three sets, for each of the above
  • Bottled water (especially if home supplies not secured yet)
  • Fire extinguisher ()
  • Fire extinguisher blanket (see our own brand
  • Paper or plastic plates/cups/utensils
  • Assorted drink mixes, if you have children with you
  • solar panels and portable power station capable of sustaining basic needs (you should test different models 1st, dont test on ww3)


So that was a lot, right?  Maybe don’t try and buy everything at once so save this page for reference in the future!


If its coming, its going to be quick and hectic.  Follow these steps if a nuclear attack is on its way:

  • Listen to official information via online, radio, or TV and follow all instructions provided by the emergency response personnel.  Grab your NBC or CBRN gas mask ASAP.
  • Locate the nearest building that will provide the best protection from nuclear fall-out and radioactive material – concrete or brick is ideal.
  • Get as far below ground as possible. The soil and concrete will separate you from radioactive waste the further you go.
  • Expect to stay inside anywhere between 24 hours up to a week. If you have your emergency radio, wait until authorities give the clear to come out.


Unfortunately, with a nuclear bombing, the fall-out and halo effect of a bomb can be just as bad if not worse than the actual bombing itself.  Radioactive decay takes years to disappear.  So knowing what to do after an attack is vital to your survival and life after.

  • Grab your NBC or CBRN mask and put it on BEFORE leaving the shelter.
  • Do not go near “hazmat” sites.
  • Locate your family and friends at your pre-designated emergency meet up spot (if this was not directly in the bombs path).
  • Tune into local and national emergency news casts. Staying up-to-date on the fallout may keep you safe from getting radioactive materials.
  • Stay clean and destroy potentially contaminated clothing. Wash yourself heavily with soap and “clean” water.
  • Stay positive. Should we ever experience a devastating event such as a nuclear blast, we will all need to band together and lean on each other to make through each day going forward.

I have a saying – “Hope for the best and plan for the worse”.  In a best case scenario, none of us will have to use any of these steps.  However, its better to be prepared than not.  Again, I provided links where you can purchase different stuff and steps on how to find active fall-out shelters near you.  I will be updating this page as I can with as much vital information as possible.