Mon. Mar 24th, 2025

National District Attorneys Association – National Prosecution Standards – NDDA

About NDAA

NDAA’s mission is to be the voice of America’s prosecutors and to support their efforts to protect the rights and safety of the people.Founded in 1950, the National District Attorneys Association (NDAA) is a national, non-partisan non-profit membership association that provides training, technical assistance and services to prosecutors around the country in support of the prosecution profession. As the oldest and largest association of prosecutors in the country with over 5,000 members, our mission is to be the voice of America’s prosecutors and to support their efforts to protect the rights and safety of the people by providing its members with the knowledge, skills, and support they need to ensure justice is attained. NDAA, located in Arlington, VA represents state and local prosecutors’ offices from both urban and rural districts, as well as large and small jurisdictions. NDAA serves as a nationwide, interdisciplinary resource center for research, training, knowledge building and accountability as it works to promote a fair and equitable administration of justice.

As the leading source of national expertise on the prosecution function, NDAA is a valuable resource not only for our members, but also for the media, academia, government, and the communities our members serve. Governed by a Board of Directors made up of appointees chosen by states’ prosecuting associations and current and past NDAA officers, our executive leadership, staff, and board members routinely provide expert policy advice, data, and testimony to the United States Congress and the Executive Branch on a wide variety of criminal justice issues. NDAA also provides amicus curiae briefs to the United States Supreme Court and engages on judicial decisions that impact the work of prosecutors throughout the country to maintain a high standard of ethics and professional responsibility.

As part of NDAA’s commitment to the prosecution profession, we disseminate books, manuals, newsletters, and monographs on topics and trends in the field ranging from witness protection to crash reconstruction. Our staff conducts or participates in nearly 100 trainings, conferences, and webinars each year. Additionally, the association responds to hundreds of requests for technical assistance each year via telephone, mail, and the website. Our capable staff of junior and senior attorneys along with our training course program directors, aid in furthering the development of expertise in the program areas of gun violence, juvenile justice, DNA/forensics, violence against women, child abuse, capital litigation and human trafficking. The National Traffic Law Center, a division of NDAA, provides expertise on traffic safety issues with a focus on impaired driving and commercial driver’s license violations. We remain committed to serving as the voice of America’s prosecutors and ensuring that justice is achieved for the millions of Americans who rely on our members.


Learn more about these sujects

  • Malicious Prosecution
  • Prosecutional Misconduct
  • Vindictive Prosecution
  • Retaliatory Prosecution
  • Abuse of Process

Selected Issues in Malicious Prosecution Cases

Malicious Prosecution / Prosecutorial Misconduct

Vindictive Prosecution – Georgetown University


What is Abuse of Process?

Defeating Extortion and Abuse of Process in All Their Ugly Disguises

What’s the Difference between Abuse of Process and Malicious Prosecution?


Malicious Prosecution Actions Arising Out Of Family Law Proceedings: Proceed Carefully

Frivolous, Meritless or Malicious Prosecution


SCOTUS Makes It Easier To Sue Police And Prosecutors For Malicious Prosecution

Prosecutional Misconduct – SCOTUS Rulings re: Prosecutors

National District Attorneys Association – National Prosecution Standards – NDDA

What Happens If Charges Are Dropped Before Trial?

Functions and Duties of the Prosecutor – Prosecution Conduct

Possible courses of action Prosecutorial Misconduct

Misconduct by Judges & ProsecutorRules of Professional Conduct

PC 1385 – Dismissal of the Action for Want of Prosecution or Otherwise


Thomp$on v. ClarkMaliciou$ Pro$ecution 

Reichle v. Howards (2012) – Retaliatory Prosecution Claims Against Government Officials1st Amendment

People v. Superior Court (Greer) 5th & 8th Amendment – Bias / Malicious Persecutor

Hartman v. Moore (2006) –Retaliatory Prosecution Claims Against Government Officials1st Amendment

What is a Fiduciary Duty; Breach of Fiduciary Duty

Epic SCOTUS Decisions


Download the National Prosecution Standards Manual Here

Or Learn The ABA Functions and Duties of the Prosecutor found here





To Learn More…. Read MORE Below and click the links Below 

Abuse & Neglect The Reporters  (Police, D.A & Medical & the Bad Actors)

If You Would Like to Learn More About: The California Mandated Reporting LawClick Here

To Read the Penal Code § 11164-11166 – Child Abuse or Neglect Reporting Act – California Penal Code 11164-11166Article 2.5. (CANRAClick Here

 Mandated Reporter formMandated ReporterFORM SS 8572.pdfThe Child Abuse


It Only Takes a Minute to Make a Difference in the Life of a Child learn more below

You can learn more here California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Law  its a PDF files taken from

Learn More About True Threats Here below….

We also have the The Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969)1st Amendment

CURRENT TEST = We also have the TheBrandenburg testfor incitement to violence 1st Amendment

We also have the The Incitement to Imminent Lawless Action Test 1st Amendment

We also have the True Threats – Virginia v. Black is most comprehensive Supreme Court definition – 1st Amendment

We also have the Watts v. United StatesTrue Threat Test – 1st Amendment

We also have the Clear and Present Danger Test – 1st Amendment

We also have the Gravity of the Evil Test – 1st Amendment

We also have the Elonis v. United States (2015) – Threats – 1st Amendment

Learn More About What is Obscene…. be careful about education it may enlighten you

We also have the Miller v. California 3 Prong Obscenity Test (Miller Test) – 1st Amendment

We also have the 

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