Tue. Mar 25th, 2025

Poisoning of America by the Mentally Ill
Sinning LGBTQ Appointments
in the Biden – Harris Administration


As of April 29, 2021 – the 100 Days mark of Joe Biden’s presidency – over 200 known LGBTQ people have been appointed to his administration, the most in history at this point in any administration.

Washington, DC – One-hundred days into his presidency, President Joe Biden has appointed at least 200 known LGBTQ appointees to his administration, exponentially more than any other president at this point in their administration. Among them are groundbreaking appointees Pete Buttigieg, the first out LGBTQ Senate-confirmed Cabinet member, and Dr. Rachel Levine, the first out Senate-confirmed trans appointee. Buttigieg serves as Secretary of Transportation and Dr. Levine as Assistant Secretary for Health. President Barack Obama held the previous record for LGBTQ appointments at 100 days, but with just 37 known LGBTQ appointees.

The Biden administration is well on-track to appoint the 225 LGBTQ people necessary to achieve equitable representation in appointments – about 5.6 percent of the roughly 4000 presidential appointments. Gallup estimates LGBTQ Americans at 5.6 percent of the U.S. population – with younger Americans identifying more often as LGBTQ (including 9.1 percent of millennials and 15.9 percent of generation Z). More than one-third of LGBTQ appointees so far were recommended to the administration by Victory Institute’s Presidential Appointments Initiative.

Also today, Victory Institute released names and positions for more than 100 of the LGBTQ appointees publicly available so far. It is available here.

“President Biden’s administration is already the most LGBTQ-inclusive in history and his appointees have shattered long-standing political barriers thought unthinkable not long ago,” said Mayor Annise Parker, President & CEO of LGBTQ Victory Institute. “These appointees make an incalculable impact every day, drafting policies within agencies, advising on legislation and debating critical issues at the highest levels. With the thousands of appointments yet to be made, we will continue to work with the administration to not only ensure our community is equitably represented, but that trans and non-binary people, LGBTQ people of color and LGBTQ women are fully represented as well.”

In the first 100 days, two of the Presidential Appointments Initiative’s five goals have already been achieved:

  • Appoint and confirm the first out LGBTQ Cabinet member; and
  • Successfully appoint the first Senate-confirmed out trans appointee.

Three primary goals remain:

  • Appoint out LGBTQ women ambassadors, LGBTQ ambassadors of color, and transgender ambassadors for the first time;
  • Nominate an out LGBTQ U.S. Supreme Court justice for the first time; and
  • Ensure equitable representation among presidential appointees throughout this presidency and ensure they reflect the full diversity of the LGBTQ community.

“President Biden has already made history with the number of LGBTQ women and transgender people he has nominated for Senate-confirmed positions,” said Ruben Gonzales, Executive Director of LGBTQ Victory Institute. “He will rollout his picks for ambassadorships over the next few months and it presents an incredible opportunity to choose diverse and groundbreaking LGBTQ nominees. Just a small handful of LGBTQ people have ever served as ambassadors and all of them were white cisgender men. Ambassadors signal to the world who we are and what we stand for. The impact of our first LGBTQ women ambassadors, first LGBTQ ambassadors of color and first trans ambassadors would be enormous.”

The Presidential Appointments Initiative – first launched by Victory Institute during President Bill Clinton’s administration – has received more than 1300 applications from LGBTQ people interested in joining the Biden administration so far. It achieved unprecedented success under President Obama, who appointed approximately 330 LGBTQ people, the most in history. Of those, 158 were assisted by the Presidential Appointments Initiative.

Asian Development Bank

Chantale Wong, U.S. Director of the Asian Development Bank with the rank of Ambassador*

AmeriCorps Corporation for National and Community Service

Henry Hicks, Assistant to the Board of Directors

Michael Smith, Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation for National and Community Service*

Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Alberto Gonzales, Senior Advisor for External Engagement, Food and Nutrition Service (FNS)

Edyael Casaperalta, Senior Policy Advisor at the Rural Utilities Service

Fernando Brigidi, Special Assistant with the Office of the Deputy Secretary

Kenneth Corn, USDA State Director, Rural Development, Oklahoma

Department of Commerce

Abigale Belcrest, Special Assistant to the Under Secretary, Bureau of Industry and Security

Chakir’ Underdown, Deputy Director, Executive Secretariat

Ellie Collinson, Chief of Staff to the Chief Financial Officer/Assistant Secretary of Administration

Hazel Rosenblum-Sellers, Special Assistant and Scheduler

Ike Umunnah, Director of Public Affairs, Economic Development Administration

Jed Kolko, Undersecretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs*

Michale Carey, Chief Protocol Officer and Senior Advisor

Mira Patel, Senior Advisor to the Deputy Secretary

Robert Williams, Deputy Director for Intergovernmental Affairs NTIA

Roddy Flynn, Deputy Director of Congressional Affairs at the National Telecommunications & Information Administration

Samuel Marquez, Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development

Taylor Carter-Disanto, Special Assistant, Minority Business Development Agency

Vince Micone, Executive Director for Enterprise Services

Department of Defense

Alex Wagner, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs*

Andrea Goldstein, Assistant Director, Force Resiliency, Department of the Navy

Anthony Johnson, Special Advisor to the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence

Ben Chao, Special Assistant, Budget and Appropriations Affairs

Beth George, Principal Deputy General Counsel

Farouk Ophaso, Senior Advisor, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)^

Gina Ortiz Jones, Undersecretary of the Air Force*

Jamal Brown, Deputy Press Secretary^

Jesse Salazar, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Industrial Policy^

Karim Farishta, Director of Intergovernmental Affairs in the Office of the Secretary of Defense

Leon Ratz, Special Assistant

Matt Williams, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Senate Affairs

Richard Johnson, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear and Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Policy

Shawn Skelly, Assistant Secretary for Readiness*

Victor Estevez Garcia, Special Assistant to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Western Hemisphere

Will Goodwin, Deputy Chief of Staff for the Secretary of the Army

Department of Education

Alex Payne, Special Assistant, Office of Legislation and Congressional Affairs

Chauncey Alexander, Special Assistant

Heather Ward, Special Assistant, Office of Postsecondary Education

Joaquin Tamayo, Chief of Staff Office of the Deputy Secretary

Kristina Ishmael, Deputy Director, Office of Education Technology

Levi Bohanan, Special Assistant Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

Richard Williams, Chief of Staff to the Assistant Secretary

Stephen Lamb, Confidential Assistant, Office of Postsecondary Education

Suzanne Goldberg, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Strategic Operations and Outreach, Office for Civil Rights

Department of Energy

Andrew Wills, Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor for Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response

David Mayorga, Director of Public Affairs

Ellie Collinson, Chief of Staff to the Chief Financial Officer, Assistant Secretary of Administration

Isha Korde, Special Assistant to the White House Liaison

Jeremiah Baumann, Deputy Chief of Staff

Jeff Marootian, Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Robert Golden, Special Advisor to the Chief of Staff

Suzanna Steele, Special Assistant to the White House Liaison, Office of the Secretary

Tarak Shah, Chief of Staff^

Department of Homeland Security

Adam Hunter, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Immigration

Alexander Fox, Scheduler to the Secretary

Cassie Wilcox, Special Assistant to the Secretary

Chris Magnus, Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection*

Eduardo Maia Silva, Assistant Press Secretary

Emily Stanley, Special Assistant to the Director, CISA

Grace Meyer, Special Assistant, Office of the Deputy Secretary

Justin Knighten, Director of the Office of External Affairs at FEMA

Nathan Williams, Special Assistant and Advisor

Reese McCranie, Senior Advisor, Office of Public Affairs, CBP

Patrick Hobart, Special Assistant, Office of General Counsel

Steven Feder, Chief of Protocol, Office of the Secretary

Department of Housing and Urban Development

Ben Winter, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Development^

Beth Niblock, Chief Information Officer, Chief Information Office

Brian Castro, Acting General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations

Brian McCabe, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Development

Elly Kugler, Senior Counsel, Office of General Counsel

Faith Rogers, Senior Advisor

Jenn Jones, Chief of Staff

Joe Carlile, Senior Advisor for Budget, Policy, and Programs to the Secretary

Lacey Rose, Director of Strategic Communications, Office of Public Affairs

Marion McFadden, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development

Solomon Greene, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Policy Development and Research and nominee for Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research**

Stephen Lucas, Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing

Department of Health and Human Services

Adrian Eng-Gastelum, Press Secretary

Adrian Shanker, Senior Advisor on LGBTQI+ Health Equity in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health

AJ Pearlman, Chief of Staff, COVID-19 Response

Brian Altman, Deputy Director for the Administration on Aging at Administration for Community Living

Brian Kaplun, Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff

Daniel Tartakovsky, Associate Director of Science and Policy, Office of the Surgeon General

Demetre Daskalakis, CDC’s Director of the Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention

Elizabeth Carr, Senior Advisor to the Director, Indian Health Services

Hannah Katch, Senior advisor at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Ingrid Ulrey, Region 10 Director

Larry Handerhan, Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor Administration for Children and Families

Laura Durso, Chief of Staff for Civil Rights

Michael Huggins, Senior Advisor, Office of Civil Rights

Molly Doris-Peirce, Special Assistant, Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs

Admiral Rachel Levine, Assistant Secretary for Health*

Sarah Boateng, Chief of Staff

Steven Lopez, Counselor to the Secretary, AHRQ/FDA/NIH

Department of the Interior

Giovanni Rocco, Deputy Press Secretary

Mike Martinez, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Fish and Wildlife and Parks

Tyler Cherry, Press Secretary

Winnie Stachelberg, Senior Advisor and Infrastructure Coordinator

Department of Justice

Carlos Uriete, Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs*

Department of Labor

Chris Godfrey, Director, Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs

Jack Jackson, Tribal Liaison, Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs

Julian Purdy, Chief of Staff, Veterans’ Employment & Training Service

Malbert Smith, Legislative Officer

Patrick Oakford, Chief of Staff for the Assistant Secretary for Policy

Wendy Chun-Hoon, Women’s Bureau Director

Department of State

Amber Mclntyer, Director of Operations, United States Mission to the UN

Ariane Tabatabai, Senior Advisor for the Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security

Christopher Lamora, Ambassador to Cameroon*

Erik Ramanathan, Ambassador to Sweden*

Francisco Bencosme, Senior Advisor for East Asia

Jessica Stern, U.S. Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons

Jirair Ratevosian, Senior Advisor for the Office fo Global AIDS Coordinator and Health Diplomacy

Leonardo Martinez-Diaz, Senior Director for Climate Finance, Office of the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate

Marc Ostfield, Ambassador to Paraguay*

Marcus Switzer, Deputy Chief of Protocol

Ned Price, Spokesperson

Reggie Greer, Senior Advisor to the U.S. LGBTQI Special Envoy

Rufus Gifford, Chief of Protocol, with the rank of Ambassador*

Scott Miller, Ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein*

Sean Bartlett, Senior Advisor, Bureau of Global Public Affairs

Tobin Bradley, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs

Department of Transportation

Arlando Teller, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Tribal Affairs

Charlene Wang, Special Assistant, Federal Highway Administration

Dani Simons, Director of Public Affairs

Emma Tyler, Associate Director for Governmental Affairs

Joseph Jarrin, Senior Advisor for Management and Budget, Office of the Secretary

Justin Ramirez, Program Manager in the Office of Public Engagement in the Office of the Secretary

Pete Buttigieg, Secretary of Transportation*

Philip McNamara, Assistant Secretary for Administration

Raffi Freedman-Gurspan, Deputy Director of Public Engagement

Tatjana Kunz, Special Assistant for Policy

Department of the Treasury

Aditi Hardikar, Senior Advisor to the Deputy Secretary

Damian Richardson, Special Assistant

Dayanara Ramirez, Spokesperson

Lowery McNeal, Digital Strategy Specialist, Office of Public Affairs

Department of Veteran Affairs

Kayla Williams, Assistant Secretary, Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

Environmental Protection Agency

Brent Efron, Special Assistant, Office of Policy^

Casey Katims, Deputy Associate Administrator for Intergovernmental Relations

Eric Wachter, Director, Office of the Executive Secretariat

Debra Shore, Regional Administrator for EPA Region 5

Dorian Blythers, Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations

Eunjung Kim, Special Assistant, Office of Air and Radiation

Johnathan Garza, Special Assistant, Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations

Jon Monger, Assistant Deputy Administrator

Maxwell Levy, Special Assistant, Office of Public Engagement

Rodney Snyder, Senior Advisor for Agriculture Office of the Administrator

Executive Office of the President

Alex Haskell, Senior Deputy Associate Counsel, Presidential Personnel Office

Allie Peck, Senior Legislative Affairs Advisor, Office of Legislative Affairs

Andrew Hebbler, Assistant Director for Health and Life Sciences, OSTP

Anthony Bernal, Sr. Advisor to FLOTUS Dr. Jill Biden

Anthony Pascua Jr. U.S Digital Service

Bechara Choucair, Vaccination Coordinator

Billy Silk, Senior Associate Director, PPO

Brendan Cohen, Platform Manager

Carlos Elizondo, White House Social Secretary

Connor Goddard, Senior Associate Director at the White House

Curtis Ried, Senior Director of Multilateral Affairs, NSC

Dave Noble, Director of White House Management and Administration

David Gins, Office of the Vice President

David Shimer, Policy Advisor, NSC

David Nurnberg, Associate Director Office of the Social Secretary

Edgar Estrada, Associate Director of Special Projects and Special Assistant to the Second Gentleman

Ella Lipin, Senior Advisor, NSC

Ellen Qualls, Consultant, OSTP

Emma Beckerman, Research Associate

Emmy Ruiz, Director of Political Strategy and Outreach

Ernesto Apreza, Office of Public Engagement – Latino Engagement

Gabriel Uy, Associate Director, Office of Intergovernmental Affairs^

Garret Lamm, Deputy Director of Presidential Correspondence

Gautam Raghavan, Director, Presidential Personnel Office

Grace Smith, Scheduler, Council of Environmental Quality

Hannah Bristol, Associate Director of Public Engagement

Harold Philips, Director of the Office of National Aids Policy

Howard Ou, Associate Director of Public Engagement

Ike Hajinazarian, Regional Communications Director

Ike Irby, Policy Advisor in the Office of the Vice President

Jamie Citron, Special Assistant to the President for Presidential Personnel

Jamie Keene, Domestic Policy Council

Jamie McFarlin, Domestic Policy Council

Jesse Bernstein, Director for Human Rights and Civil Society at NSC

John Elias, Senior Deputy Associate Counsel, Presidential Personnel Office

John W. McCarthy, Senior Advisor to the Counselor to the President

Jordan Finkelstein, Special Assistant to Anita Dunn

Jordan Orosz, Deputy Associate Counsel and Tax Counsel, Presidential Personnel Office

Julian Gewirtz, Director for China, NSC

Karine Jean-Pierre, White House Press Secretary

Kei Koizumi, Principal Deputy Director for Policy, OSTP

Kevin Muños, Assistant Press Secretary

Kings Floyd, Researcher, Presidential Personnel Office

Lucas Acosta, White House Director of Broadcast Media

Marc Aidinoff, Senior Advisor and Acting Chief of Staff, OSTP

Marco Sanchez, Associate Director for Domestic Agency Personnel

Matt Hill, Senior Associate Communications Director

Matthew Hernandez, Personnel Vetting Chief of Staff, Presidential Personnel Office

Michael LaRosa, Press Secretary to Dr. Jill Biden, First Lady of the United States

Olivia Raisner, Traveling Content Director

Pili Tobar, Deputy White House Communications Director

Ray Dyson, Associate Director, PPO

Ruben Gonzales, Special Assistant to the President for Domestic Agency Personnel, PPO

Sean Christiansen, Policy Advisor, Office on COVID-19 Response

Stephen Goepfert, Special Assistant to the President

Stuart Delery, White House Counsel

Teresa Tolliver, Associate Director, PPO

Terry Moynihan, Deputy Director for Research

Tim Maurer, Director for Technology and Democracy, NSC

Thomas Isen, Special Assistant

William Rusche, Research Lead, Presidential Personnel Office

Zachary Bernstein, Director for Strategic Stability and Regional Security, NSC

Export-Import Bank of the United States

Chris Van Es, Senior Vice President for Communication and External Engagement

Farm Credit Administration

Vincent Logan, Member of the Farm Credit Administration

Federal Aviation Administration

Marc Nichols, Chief Counsel

Federal Communications Commission

Alejandro Roark, Consumer and Government Affairs Bureau Chief

Gigi Sohn, Commissioner**

Government Services Administration

Jacky Chang, Senior Advisor on Technology

Nathan Osburn, Speechwriter

Judicial Nominees

Alison Nathan, United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit*

Ana Reyes, United States District Court for the District of Columbia**

Beth Robinson, United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit*

Charlotte Sweeney, United States District Court for the District of Colorado*

Gina Mendez-Miro, United States District Judge for the District of Puerto Rico**

Jamar Walker, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia**

Nina Morrison, United States District Judge for the Eastern District of New York*

William Pocan, United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Wisconsin**

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Kayla Ratnasamy, Special Assistant to the Administrator

Thomas Zimmerman, Senior Advisor for Policy Coordination

Office of Personnel Management

Margot Conrad, Executive Director, Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCO) Council, and Senior Advisor to the Director

Ernesto Rodriguez, Senior Advisor, Congressional, Legislative, and Intergovernmental Affairs

Jason Tengco, White House Liaison

Viet Tran, Press Secretary

Scott Syroka, Deputy Communications Director

Tiffany Worthy, Senior Advisor for Appointee Leadership Development

Office of the Director of National Intelligence

Christy Abizaid, Director of National Counterterrorism Center*

Selective Service System

Daniel Sohn, Selective Service System Local Board Member

Small Business Administration

Francisco Sanchez, Jr. Associate Administrator, Office of Disaster Assistance

Han Nguyen, Acting Associate Administrator

Jennifer Knight, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Textiles, Consumer Goods, and Materials

Jonathan Alter, Senior Advisor, Office of Investment and Innovation

Julie Verratti, Associate Administrator of Field Operations

Larry Webb, D.C. District Director

Mark Madrid, Associate Administrator for the Office of Entrepreneurial Development

Olivia Shestopal, Director of Advance

Terrence Clark, Director of Communications, Office of Communications & Public Liaison

Veronica Pugin, Senior Advisor in the Office of Capital Access

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

Anka Lee, Senior China Policy Advisor

Blair Mallin, Scheduler to the Administrator

Eric Jacobstein, Senior Advisor for Latin America and the Caribbean

Jay Gilliam, Senior LGBTQI+ Coordinator

Lauren Post, Senior Advisor, Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance

Liz Leibowitz, Pillar Lead for Policy, Engagement, and Communications, COVID-19 Task Force

Michael Michner, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Resilience and Food Security

Nabila Baptiste, Special Assistant to the Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean

U.S. Board and Commissions

Cathy Harris, Chair of the Merit Systems Protection Board**

Chai Rachel Feldblum, Commissioner, U.S. Ability One Commission

Christopher Morgan, Member of the National Council on the Arts

Christy Goldsmith Romero, Commodity Futures Trading Commission*

Claudia Slacik, Chair, Board of Directors, Securities and Investor Protection Corporation*

Eric Fanning, Member, Board of Visitors to the U.S. Air Force Academy

Gabriel Cazares, Commissioner, U.S. Ability One Commission

Joseph Falk, Member, U.S. Institute for Peace

Katherine Rice, Presidents Commission on White House Fellows

Paul Angelo, Member, Board of Visitors to the U.S. Naval Academy

Paul Boskind, Member, President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities

Robert Garcia, Trustee of the Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation

Sarah McBride, Member, Commission on Presidential Scholars

Sharon Kleinbaum, U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedoms

Sen. Tammy Baldwin, Member, Board of Visitors to the U.S. Air Force Academy

Todd Harper, Chair, National Credit Union Administration*

Tori Cooper, Presidents Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS

U.S. Census Bureau

Meghan Maury, Senior Advisor

U.S. International Development Finance Corporation

Aparna Shrivastava, Deputy Chief Climate Officer

U.S. Mission to the UN

Josh Black, Senior Advisor to the U.S Ambassador to the UN

U.S. Department of the Treasury

Aditi Hardikar, Senior Advisor to the Deputy Secretary

Dayanara Ramirez, Spokesperson

U.S Office of the Trade Representative

Aruna Kalyanam, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy

Christopher Wilson, Chief Innovation and Intellectual Property Negotiator

Michael Kikukawa, Spokesperson

Veterans Affairs

Sue Fulton, Assistant Secretary Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

Kayla Williams, Assistant Secretary Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

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